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Can other people intercept and view your WhatsApp messages?

in Applications by (552k points)
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In addition to being the victim of a hack or cloning of your WhatsApp , you are probably wondering if it is also possible that a third party can intercept and view the WhatsApp messages that you send over the air through a WiFi network or cellular antennas. This was a source of concern until November 2014, but fortunately with WhatsApp version 2.11.45 that came out then and later until now, it is very difficult for someone to intercept your messages and view them due to the end-to-end encryption. end implemented from that version of the Android application..

End-to-end message encryption is enabled by default in WhatsApp. This means, in a very simple and basic way, that the messages sent through the application, the desktop client or WhatsApp Web, whether in individual or group chats, are "protected with a password" and only the person who it sends and the one who receives them can "decrypt" them, a process that is carried out automatically. In theory, not even the people behind WhatsApp, that is Facebook, can spy on these messages, even if they could intercept them or obtain them in some way because, I insist, they are "encrypted". 


This protection in WhatsApp was implemented with the help of the Open Whisper Systems firm, which had already integrated this security in its Android TextSecure application (now Signal) for a long time. Other applications such as Telegram also had this message shielding, a feature that made them superior to WhatsApp in terms of privacy, until then.

In short, end-to-end encryption is a feature thanks to which, IN THEORY, we can trust WhatsApp a little more and that everything we write and send will be kept more secure and private. The problem is that in practice this is not entirely true, since it has already been seen how even the Police are able to evade this encryption with Trojans and "prick" or hack into WhatsApp..

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by (3.5m points)

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