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How and where to invest in the stock market?

in Guides by (551k points)
reopened | 76 views

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How to invest money in stocks
Invest in the stock market online without commissions
The modality, the first
Have your investment account
Difference between bonds and stocks
Determine a budget
Long-term thinking and management
M1 Finance ( official website )
Robinhood ( official website )
Fidelity ( official website )

  • Many investors find a variant of cryptocurrencies in stocks and the stock market
  • If you do not trust them, or want to diversify your investments, you will have to know some of the main details about the stock market, stocks and the behavior of this sector
  • We teach you not only some fundamental aspects to move in the stock market, but also some portals from which you can start in this world, and obtain your first income

If you are looking to make a profit but are not convinced by cryptocurrencies, then you should learn how and where to invest in the stock market , and this exit is becoming very common in recent times, especially among those who distrust the volatility of cryptocurrencies , so let's try to give you some details about it. Without going any further, how to invest money in stocks ... and without commissions!

In the first instance, we must emphasize that when we talk about investing in stocks, we mean buying small shares owned by a public company. These shares, company shares, can go up or down in value, and to the extent that they do, they will affect the amount we have in them. Obviously, for these people the idea is to buy at one value, and sell them at a higher value . Do you dare to do it?

Well, if your answer to the above question is yes you dare, let us tell you that you can get started online, and we'll show you how to do it later. Before, however, we believe that you should know some basic guidelines in this regard. When you have apprehended them, you will be in a position to start investing ..

How to invest money in stocks

The modality, the first

First of all, you have to decide how you want to invest in the stock market, the modality, choosing the option that best represents your feeling about the shares, since almost all platforms will give you possibilities.

You can move on your own, be guided by experts on the subject, bet on the actions of your employer ..

There is no successful modality and others that are not, but it is best to learn by imitating, at least for now.

Have your investment account

The next step will be to have an investment account, although this step will not be a problem if you look at the platforms at the end of the article. Thus, the issue of where to invest in the stock market is settled ..

Again, there are accounts that you will have to be on top of, and others that will not, that will imitate the movements of someone professional, although the latter could even require a commission in this regard.

Difference between bonds and stocks

Now that you more or less know where to invest in the stock market, the next thing is to differentiate stocks and bonds, which are often confused between those who are making their first weapons.

Bonds have an expiration date, while stocks generally do not have an expiration date. Therefore, working on the former can be a bit more difficult , and you should leave it for another instance.

Determine a budget

You have to determine a budget for investment in stocks, a budget that will come from the money you have left over. That is, you have to use only money that you have left for your investments. No money that you use month to month.

It does not matter if you invest just 10% or 20% of your earnings, it is enough to build yourself up with experience, knowledge and thus, when your monthly income rises, you will be able to dedicate yourself to the actions with more security .

Long-term thinking and management

Investing in the stock market has proven to be one of the best ways to build wealth in the long run. Less volatile than cryptocurrencies, you cannot expect immediate enrichment .

In periods of consistent growth, stocks make 10% annual gains in stablecoins, which is not bad at all. But this is an average. There may be better and worse years. You must not forget it.

Therefore, one of the most difficult things about managing your actions is this: not paying attention to them. It may seem impossible, because you will feel the urge to control them all the time. But it is better not to. Check them out eventually, but the longer you take to do so, the more profit you will see .

If you are nearing retirement, you may want to move some of your equity investments to more conservative fixed income investments, but that depends on the case, and how comfortable you are with your path.


Invest in the stock market online without commissions

At this point of things, you probably want to know all the steps to invest in the stock market without commissions and, luckily, there are enough alternatives that you do it from the comfort of your home.

We realize that technology has made investing easier than ever, but the problem is that certain services that advertise with "start with only 5 euros" end up charging large amounts of money. Therefore, we have run a review of the best alternatives for you .

M1 Finance ( official website )

M1 Finance is one of the new solutions that recently revealed commission-free prices to invest in it. This means that you will be able to work with your stocks and ETFs without spending more .

But the best thing about M1 Finance is that it also allows you to invest in fractional shares , so you don't have to have the money of a full share to invest, and that is a huge advantage.

In fact, as you add money you can complete those actions if you wish.

Robinhood ( official website )

Robinhood is an application for your phone, be it iPhone or Android, with which you will be able to trade shares for free. And, best of all, without the need for you to have a lot of previous experience .

Of course, in the long term you may consider that it falls a bit short, because thinking of novice or not too demanding users, they have decided to restrict certain tasks that are available in the competition.

In short, we think it is a good place to start, at least for a few weeks.

Fidelity ( official website )

Fidelity is another site for investing in stocks online, and there are several reasons for this.

The first thing is that it is a complete portal, which will give you access to all types of accounts and investments, and with a customer service far above the others. It has no commissions and if EFT or exchange-traded funds .

You can operate both from your computer and from a smartphone, so in no case will your investments remain unattended, and they have many locations throughout the United States, to vary them.

And these are some portals where to invest in the stock market if you are a beginner.

by (3.5m points)

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