+5 votes
Create flowcharts - that's how it works in Word

in Office by (552k points)
reopened | 140 views

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Create a flowchart using SmartArt

1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
Add or delete fields in a flowchart

1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
How to create a custom flowchart
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
5th step:
6th step:
7th step:
8th step:
Explanatory video
Quick guide: SmartArt
Quick guide: add or delete fields

Would you like to graphically illustrate a process using a flow chart? We'll show you how to make the chart in Word..

image image

Regardless of whether you are dealing with a complicated process or systems of any kind: A flowchart shows the processes clearly in a diagram using boxes and arrows. We will show you how you can create such a flowchart with simple tools in Word.

Create a flowchart using SmartArt

Flow charts simplify complex processes. Additional software is not always required for this. Using the Office programs Excel, PowerPoint or Word, you can already create concise diagrams using SmartArt graphics. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .

1st step:

Navigate to the top of the ribbon, click " Insert " and select "in the group illustrations ," select " SmartArt " from.

2nd step:

In the " Select SmartArt Graphic " catalog, first click on " Process ". As an example, we choose the " Image Accent Process " to create a flowchart with images. You can of course also select any other process for your workflow. By the way: You can find out the names of the flowcharts by clicking on them. Confirm with " OK ".

3rd step:

A placeholder flowchart is automatically inserted in the Word document. If you'd like to add a picture now, click on one of the picture icons and select one of the options. We select examples of given images from pictograms.

4th step:

Next, the text is entered. To do this, click on [Text] in the text area and enter the desired text. Repeat the process for the other text fields.

Add or delete fields in a flowchart

A flowchart with three fields is often not meaningful enough. We will show you how to add new fields or delete existing fields. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..

1st step:

First click on an existing field next to which you want to add the new field. For example, we would like to insert a new shape between the 2nd and 3rd shape. So we click on the 2nd box. Then click on " Add shape " under " Create graphic " in the " Design " tab . The shape is automatically inserted after the highlighted box. Note: Make sure the SmartArt graphic is also selected.

2nd step:

Alternatively, if you would like to insert a shape in front of the box, click on the arrow next to " Add shape ". Here you select " Add shape before ".

3rd step:

Use the Up and Down navigation options to move the field in the flowchart.

4th step:

If you would like to delete a field, first select the relevant field and then press [Del].

How to create a custom flowchart

1st step:

First go to the " Shapes " menu via " Insert ". Now click on " New drawing area ". This step is important because shapes created within this drawing area can be connected to one another seamlessly and, above all, straight with arrows. Adjust the drawing area to suit your needs or the size of the flowchart.

2nd step:

Next, you can start adding shapes to the diagram. This works with " Insert " and " Shapes ". Under the " Flowchart " section you will find all the important forms that you can simply click on. To insert the shape, the mouse pointer turns into a cross. In the drawing area, click where you want to insert the shape.

3rd step:

Move and enlarge or reduce the shape as you wish. Now double click on the shape. You can now enter a text and use " Format " to adjust the color, filling and other components.

4th step:

Now repeat the previous steps to insert another shape. So again select a shape via " Insert "> " Shape " and customize the position, size and text of the shape.

5th step:

In a flowchart, the individual fields are connected with arrows. This connection can be implemented cleanly and easily through the created drawing area. Click again under " Paste " to " forms ". This time, however, select the desired arrow under " Lines ".

6th step:

Now comes the practical trick: Drag the arrow by hand from one of the appearing center points of the first shape to the center point of the next shape. Word firmly connects the elements with one another so that the connection remains even if the shapes are moved. If necessary, center the fields so that the diagram looks more professional.

7th step:

If you would like to optionally insert a text field next to the arrow, it works as follows: First click on the arrow and go to " Format " in the menu above and under " Insert shapes " on the symbol for the text field. Type in the text you want, adjust the shape of the text field and remove the frame, if desired. Tip: You can do this by right-clicking on the text field and setting the contour to white.

8th step:

Repeat the process for additional shapes and connections as often as you like until you have created the flowchart you want. In our example we show what an individual flowchart could look like.

Explanatory video

Quick guide: SmartArt

  1. Under " Insert ", first click on " SmartArt ".
  2. Next, select the type of flowchart you want under Process . We create an " image accent process " as an example . Word inserts the diagram for you automatically.
  3. Click on the picture symbols to insert your own pictures.
  4. Finally, you can add your own text by clicking on [Text] and entering the desired text.

Quick guide: add or delete fields

  1. On the ribbon, click the Design tab . Make sure the SmartArt graphic is also selected.
  2. Now click on the position where a field should be inserted.
  3. At the top under " Create Graphic " click the arrow next to " Add Shape ".
  4. Then select either " Add shape after " or " Add shape before ".
  5. Use the Up and Down navigation options to move the field in the flowchart.
  6. To delete a field, click it, and then press [Delete] .

by (3.5m points)

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