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create fillable PDF - that's how it works

in Office by (552k points)
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How to make fillable PDFs
1st step:
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quick start Guide

Creating a fillable PDF form is easy. We'll show you how it's done..

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The use of PDF forms can significantly reduce paper consumption in the office, as they can be filled out directly on the PC. Creating fillable forms is easy thanks to free programs.

How to make fillable PDFs

One way to create fillable PDF forms is to use the free office application packages OpenOffice and LibreOffice. Forms created with these programs retain their interactive elements even after they have been saved in PDF format. You can of course use other tools such as Adobe Acrobat, but most of them are not free.

We'll explain exactly what you need to do to create fillable PDFs with OpenOffice Writer. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .

1st step:

Open OpenOffice on your computer and click on " File " in the upper left corner . Then select " New " from the menu and then " XML Form Document ".

2nd step:

Then under the menu item " View " click on " Toolbars " and then select the entry " Form Controls " to display the toolbar for forms. This then appears on the left as a separate window, but can also be attached to the menu bar at the top of the window.

3rd step:

In order to start designing your form, all you have to do is activate " Design mode" in the toolbar. From now on you have a free hand: Design your form with all means and tools that OpenOffice provides - text, images, objects, forms, tables, etc. You can insert interactive elements anywhere in your document with the mouse. The following items are available on the toolbar: Checkbox : An empty box that can be checked by clicking on it with the mouse. Text field : An empty field in which the user can write his own text, e.g. for additional comments or as feedback on the form. Formatted field : Here the user can enter a numeric value that is subject to predefined rules by the creator of the form. For example, the numbers available for selection can be limited to the digits 1 to 10. Button : This function creates a button that can be linked to a macro. Macros are more or less complex command sequences that can be called up using these buttons without the user having to fill in all input fields again. For example, you can have your address automatically entered in a form. Radio button : Radio buttons are a special type of check box that is particularly useful for multiple choice questionnaires. If you combine several such fields, only one of them can be selected at a time. List Box : This feature creates a drop-down menu with a selection of options previously set by the creator of the form. The list field can also be connected to an existing data source. Combo box : The combo box works like a list box, but allows the user of the form to enter additional information, if he wants to select any of the default options. Label field: This field is used to add a label to all interactive elements. In this way you can, for example, label check boxes and arrange them with the corresponding text in the document. Additional controls : Depending on the OpenOffice version, there are other practical functions. This includes, for example, a slider with which the user can scroll through a specified list of numbers (e.g. years of birth). The date field in turn supplements your form with a pre-formatted date input field.

4th step:

By double-clicking on any interactive element, you can adjust the associated properties down to the smallest detail. This includes the height and width of an input field as well as its frame, its title and its display style (flat or with "3D effect"). To make it easier to work on your form, you can also copy elements with all their settings and paste them elsewhere. Turn off design mode from time to time to test your interactive elements.

5th step:

When you're done, click " File " in the upper left , then choose " Export as PDF " to convert your OpenOffice document into a fillable PDF file.

6th step:

In the new window, select the desired settings before you click on " Export ".

7th step:

You can now open the PDF file with almost any PDF reader to edit, fill in and save the form.

quick start Guide

  1. In OpenOffice click on " File " in the upper left corner and then select " New " and then " XML Form Document " from the menu .
  2. Now click on " Toolbars " in the " View " category and then select " Form controls " to display them.
  3. You can now start designing your form. Various tools and elements are available to you for this in the toolbar , such as text fields, check boxes or list fields.
  4. By double-clicking on any interactive element, you can change the associated properties such as height, width, position and display.
  5. When you are done, click on " File " in the upper left corner and then select " Export as PDF ".
  6. You can then make the desired settings and then save your file as a PDF with " Export ". The PDF file can then be opened and filled out.

by (3.5m points)

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