Would you like to know how much RAM is in your PC? We'll tell you how to find out..
It is often helpful to know how much working memory (RAM) is in your own PC. The more you have of it, the better - because the faster your computer is. With these instructions we will show you various ways of determining the RAM size.
Read this article to find out what you can do when your memory is full.
The simplest method of reading out the main memory is via the key combination [Windows] + [Pause] . You will then be directed to the control panel and can see directly how much RAM is installed in your PC. If your computer or laptop does not have a pause button, you can determine the RAM using one of the following methods..
Follow our step-by-step instructions , the quick start guide or the explanatory video .
Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..
Alternatively, you can take a look at the BIOS , i.e. your operating system, to find out the size of your RAM. Unscrewing the computer and examining the RAM bar are of course an option. Both variants are rather cumbersome . It is easier with programs that read out your RAM size . These include Hwinfo or CPU-Z.
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