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What is a patch?

in Apps / software by (552k points)
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What is a patch and what is it used for?
Patch or update - what's the difference?

This article will tell you what a patch is and what it is used for..

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Image: <span> Lisa Pay / Shutterstock.com </span>

Developers occasionally publish so-called "patches" for software products, apps and also operating systems, which are then released for download and can be installed by users. But what exactly is a patch? And what are you needed for? We answer these questions for you in the following article.

What is a patch and what is it used for?

With so-called patches, developers can close security gaps that emerged after the software was released. Such security gaps can, for example, lead to viruses or Trojans entering the system. A patch can also be used to fix errors. Such errors in programs, which among other things can lead to crashes, are called "bugs". Correspondingly, patches are often referred to as "bug fixes". Program errors and security loopholes are usually only noticed when the software is used extensively - in most cases after publication. The users have already installed the defective software without the developers knowing that there are still security gaps. Patches will then be published as soon as possible,to protect the users of the software from unwanted attacks. With patches, program errors can be corrected without the user having to completely reinstall the software. Affected files of the program will be deleted and replaced by updated versions. The source code of the program can also be changed by patches. The term "hotfix", which is often used synonymously with patch, describes a patch that deals with a security vulnerability that needs to be closed urgently.The source code of the program can also be changed by patches. The term "hotfix", which is often used synonymously with patch, describes a patch that deals with a security vulnerability that needs to be closed urgently.The source code of the program can also be changed by patches. The term "hotfix", which is often used synonymously with patch, describes a patch that deals with a security vulnerability that needs to be closed urgently.

The term "patch" comes from the early days of computers, when punch cards were still used to store programs and data. These "patches" or "plasters" were simply stuck over the affected holes in the event of errors. Several such patches are often delivered as packages, which then close several bugs or security holes. Microsoft publishes regularly collected software updates as part of the so-called "Patch Day", which then contain several patches.

Patch or update - what's the difference?

But when is the software update a patch and when is it an update? The difference between patch and update cannot always be clearly defined. An update usually contains a new range of functions or an improvement to the existing functions. In some cases, however, updates also contain bug fixes just like patches. An update can therefore be described as a kind of extended "patch" with which new functions are implemented that are not compatible with the previous version of the program..

by (3.5m points)
Consistent patching of operating systems and applications with an automated patch management solution is important to mitigate and prevent security risks.

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