How to renew ip address in Ubuntu?
How to renew ip address in Ubuntu?
It is common for novice users in Ubuntu to have difficulties with basic tasks and sometimes they do not easily find a solution. For this reason, in TechnoWikis we dedicate, from time to time, an article to this type of tasks.
If you have a computer connected to a local network and receive its IP address, automatically, from a DHCP server, today we will see how you can get the assigned address is disabled. Actually, it's as simple as opening a Console window ( Applications> Accessories> Terminal ) and entering the following command:
sudo dhclient -r
You can also renew the IP address by requesting a new one from the DHCP server. To get it, just go back to the console and write:
sudo dhclient eth0
assuming eth0 is your Ethernet interface. If it's your default network card, you can skip this argument and, if you want to renew the IP of the network card, you could write something like this:
sudo dhclient wlan0
I hope you find it useful.