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How to remove or remove subtitles on Netflix

in Guides by (552k points)
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Remove subtitles on Netflix from Windows 10
From the Netflix app on iOS and Android

Subtitles are great for watching series or movies in their original language. There are many contents that do not have Spanish dubbing and thanks to Netflix subtitles we can enjoy them without any problem. But for people who don't want to show them, here you will learn how to remove subtitles from Netflix..

Best of all, thanks to these, we have access to a wide variety of content that, otherwise, we might not have. On Netflix we can find different kinds of content with subtitles in several languages, something that considerably improves accessibility to this kind of content.

However, not everyone likes to watch their favorite series or movies with subtitles. If that is your case, then we will see a little further down how to remove the subtitles from your Netflix account..

Remove subtitles on Netflix from Windows 10

For those people who enjoy this streaming service from their computer and want to remove the subs, they must follow these steps:

  • Open the content you want to view.
  • Then move your mouse over it , you will see several options appear at the bottom of it.
  • Now we will have to move the mouse over the chat icon and a new menu will open.
  • In this menu we will be able to modify the audio and the subtitles .
  • Just turn off the subtitles and you're good to go.

From the Netflix app on iOS and Android

In the case of the application available for mobile devices. We can also remove them without much trouble. To do this, we will follow these steps:

  • We open the Netflix application on our mobile.
  • We search for the title we want to see.
  • Then we are going to have to press on the icon in the form of a chat bubble to open the options.
  • Here it only remains to choose the “ Deactivate ” option in the subtitles part.
  • In the case of iOS, the configuration is applied automatically. On Android, you will have to press “ Apply ” in order to remove Netflix subtitles .

When you turn subtitles on or off in this way, the setting is applied to the entire profile. This means that if you activate them to watch a series, when you watch another or a movie, they will appear automatically .

When applied to the profile, when you use the same from another device. the settings you chose earlier will be applied. It is quite a practical thing. In addition, it is not complicated at all to configure it..

Netflix subs are very comfortable. However, in case you want to disable them because they are difficult to read or you don't like them, you don't strictly need to do so, as they can be customized to suit your needs.

In case you want to deactivate them because they are not in the right language, what you can do from the same section where we deactivate them is to change their language to Spanish. Even external subtitles can be loaded from the web browser.

by (3.5m points)

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