+4 votes
How to make a tutorial on TikTok

in TikTok by (552k points)
reopened | 165 views

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Movie recording
Shooting Tips
Ideas for a tutorial

How to make a Tutorial on TikTok? A tutorial is a training video: step-by-step instructions for shooting a video, elements of dance with hands, etc. There are always a lot of new trends in TikTok that all users want to learn. To make a tutorial video, you need to learn a new trend before anyone else..

Movie recording

How to make Tutorial on TikTok? Here is a step by step guide:

  1. Decide on a topic. Find a chip that you understand. It can be anything: how to shoot a cool video with different effects and masks, how to shoot a new challenge on TikTok, how to make a duet video, where to find a popular blogger, etc.
  2. Mount a quality tutorial. TikTok provides for a limit on the maximum length of a video to just 60 seconds. You need to meet this time, so in the video, get down to business right away, without reasoning. To save time, use speed recording (you can speed it up by 3 times), but remember that while speeding up, the fans will not understand the words.
  3. Use hashtags. So that all users can find the tutorial, enter key hashtags #challengers #tutorial, etc. image

Shooting Tips

In order for your tutorial to be in demand, it must meet several requirements at once:

  1. Expertise. Show everyone that you know how to do the challenge. At the beginning of the video, you can tell about the story of his appearance, where he came from to TikTok. Further, in detail, step by step, explain and show how to do it. If it's a dance, break it down into separate movements; if it's a trick, reveal its secret. For example, the popular hand challenge. To do it, learn to dance yourself (link to the dance below - Finger tut). Your movements should be close to ideal, only then the user will stay on your channel and watch the video to the end.
  2. Your video should be better than others . See other tutorials on the same topic. Try to imagine what your competitors are missing and add it to your video. Do not forget to constantly explain what you are doing in the video.
  3. Detail. The video must be detailed. It is necessary to tell you step by step what, how and when to do it.

Ideas for a tutorial

If you want to shoot a tutorial, but have not yet decided on a topic, here are a few options for popular trends on the Internet that many users would like to learn:

  • Dance to one of the most popular audio tracks on the resource.
  • A trend very popular in Asia. It is possible that soon, he will come to us.
  • TikTok challenge with hands. Such a tutorial will definitely be popular, many bloggers will want to learn how to do a simple dance.
  • Finget tut - finger dance. Another trend that is gaining more and more popularity on the resource.
  • The challenge is called Show Your Clothes. Teach bloggers how to shoot such a video, give a link to the music.
  • Several popular trends on the resource: challenge with your feet, make dimples, change your hair color and more.

by (3.5m points)

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