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Links in Whatsapp statuses change drastically

Sharing links on WhatsApp is something we use on a daily basis, but it is also true that in the states they are not too flashy. That is why the developers are executing an interesting novelty so that they undergo an excellent visual change , something that was undoubtedly needed.

It is no secret to anyone that WhatsApp has been integrating different new features for the app in recent months, making it much more intuitive and optimal for the user. This makes us think that Mark Zuckerberg is finally doing his best to compete against Telegram, although there is still a long way to go.

The truth is that Meta is finally becoming very competitive, and this means that users not only regain confidence in the platform, but thanks to this, it would also capture the attention of various users who have somehow stopped using this app. instant messaging.

Links in Whatsapp statuses change drastically


When we placed a link in our WhatsApp status, they did not generate much interest among users, this is because to see what it was about we had to click and thus be able to interact with it; thus opening a small window with very little information at the bottom. The friends of WABetaInfo have now shown us what this section will look like, and the truth is that we really like it.

The great limitation of the previous version is that a small photograph of the link was shown, and both the title and the description were not fully contemplated. All this would be solved by opening a much larger window, where we will be able to read all the content without any inconvenience . In addition, on a visual level it is much more attractive than before and this is something that is appreciated.

The source indicates that currently said functionality is beginning to reach the first users who are subscribed in the Beta version , that is; that is still missing for it to be available in a stable way. However, due to how advanced everything is running; It is likely that in a matter of a couple of weeks it will be released for everyone.

Anyway, we will have to wait a little longer to be able to interact with the aforementioned links in our WhatsApp statuses; so we recommend you to have some patience. In any case, we will be telling you about any news on this particular topic , so pay attention to our web portal.

by (2k points)

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