When working on Linux operating systems we can observe a change compared to systems like Windows or macOS and this is due to the general structure of the system which has a large part focused on aspects such as files and processes and all this is based on the standard. file system hierarchy (FHS - Filesystem Hierarchy Standard) which is responsible for managing the structure of file systems in Linux..
That is why we can determine a series of directories in Linux where an essential part of the operating system or the user's work is housed, the files in Linux are ordered by:
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We open the terminal and to access the root directory we enter /:
We list the content with "ls -l":
There we will see details such as:
cd /boot/
ls -l
cd /etc
ls /etc/
cd /home
ls -l /home/
sudo ls -l /root/
ls -l /opt
ls /dev
ls -l /var
We can see details of each object with their respective permissions and modification dates.
ls /bin/
We see in detail each command.
ls /sbin/
ls -l /usr
ls /proc/
ls -l /mnt/
ls -l /sys
We can see the permissions, user and related object.
ls -l /media
ls /run/
ls /tmp/
To see the library directory we execute:
ls /lib
ls -l /srv
We can find many more files and directories in Linux with their respective function such as:
We see how this structure helps us to correctly administer Linux and have a clear perspective of each file system..
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