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How to use the COUNT function in Microsoft Excel

in Guides by (552k points)
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Use the COUNT function in Microsoft Excel

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One of the basic and most useful tasks is knowing how to count how many cells have numbers. Microsoft Excel gives us the possibility to use the COUNT function that will help us avoid having to do this manually..

Microsoft Excel offers us a wide variety of free tools, functions, features and templates to save us a lot of time. It even helps us check for errors so we don't have to do it manually. Learning these kinds of things will help us become more productive.

Thanks to the COUNT function it is possible to count cells with numbers, but this also includes dates, currency, percentage, numbers in quotes and numbers in a table, even a dynamic one. What doesn't count are logical values, text, or errors that have numbers..

Use the COUNT function in Microsoft Excel

To start we will have to open a spreadsheet where we want to use the function. Then we are going to go to the cell where we want to display the result of the formula. Here we can use the Count Numbers option in the Sum list or enter the formula manually.


If we want to use the Count numbers option, we will have to go to the “Home” tab. Then we are going to click on the “Sum” button in the “Edit” section of the ribbon and we will choose “Count numbers”..

The method works pretty well for basic counts like a range of cells. For other kinds of more complex situations, it is possible to enter the formula that contains the function.


To do it in a simple way, we can get the count of cells with numbers in the range A2 to A11, for this we will use the following formula: =COUNT (A2:A11)


If that same cell range has text in five of the 10 cells, the result of the formula will be five.


For example, if we wanted to get the count of the nonadjacent cell ranges A2 through A6 and B6 through B11, we would use this formula: =COUNT(A2:A6;B6:B11)


It is even feasible to include more cell ranges if needed with this function. Let's pretend we want it to do this for A2 through A11, C2 through C11, and E2 through E11. So we should put: =COUNT(A2:A11,C2:C11,E2:E11)

As you can see, it is something relatively simple that, perhaps, requires a bit of practice to get used to all the possibilities that a simple function offers us. However, with the examples presented above, we are sure that you will find it very useful.

by (3.5m points)

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