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What is Link Juice for | How Link Juice works

in SEO by (552k points)
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1 How Link Juice works
2 How to get more Link Juice
3 How to see broken links outside your site
4 How to see broken links within your site

Links are one of the main factors that influence both the positioning of content and the authority of a page. That is why, as we have already commented in previous chapters of the Link Building course, having a good strategy to achieve them is essential to make our page work and be recognized as a quality website..


Within Link Building strategies there are many techniques and terms that we must know, so that in this way we can know what we are talking about and what we are facing. One of these terms is called Link Juice.


What is Link Juice?
Link Juice is an SEO technique that consists of the positioning optimization part that each link transmits to the destination page. That is, the way in which domain authority is transferred from some pages to others through links. In addition, through these links, both internal and external, we will be influencing the usability and authority of the page. In Link Juice it is therefore used to refer to the value that is transferred from one page or site to another.


Types of Link Juice
The truth is that we have two types of Link Juice, since these can be internal or external. The difference between them is as follows.
  • External Link Juice: This refers to all those pages that we link externally to our content on the web. This means that by putting links to other sites, we will be sharing the domain authority of our page with them. However, we must bear in mind that Google also takes into account the inclusion of this type of links, especially if they are of quality and related to the theme of our site.
  • Internal Link Juice: This refers to the links that you put within your content, which point to other content on your website. Websites are made up of different pages, so some have more authority than others. A good strategy, therefore, is to shift strength from the page that is better valued, to another that is below it. In this way you will be able to distribute the authority of that page, through different areas of your website.


Within the internal Link Juice you must take into account that you must place the no index attribute to the links that are found in those navigation areas such as in the menus, the header, the footer or on one side of the web since this content does not allow us to Interested in being indexed.



Difference between Link Juice and Linkbuilding
While link building is the strategy that focuses on getting inbound links from other media to your site, link juice will depend on your own strategy since you would be linking from your site to other pages (which may or may not interest you in positioning). .


If you want to get the most out of this optimization technique, it is essential to understand Link Juice, what benefits it will bring to your website and how to use it with maximum productivity..


1 How Link Juice works

So that we understand more clearly how Link Juice works, we are going to give an example so that we can understand it.


We are going to suppose that we have two identical pages that we are going to call A and B. Page A has a link to a quality website, but page B has none. In this case page A will have better positioning in Google search results and better domain authority due to this link that links to it.


In the event that page B also receives a link, the value of that link, assuming that the linking website has a domain authority similar to the one that linked to page A, will vary depending on the number of websites that has linked that page since the more sites are linked by that page, the more the domain authority will be distributed since it is divided among all the linked websites..


Therefore, if the page that links to A has linked to 4 other pages, the value of the links will be 25% while if the page that links to B has linked to 3 pages, the value of that link will be 33%. .




In the event that page A has more links than page B, this will also influence the linked page's domain authority and ranking.




We could say that the Link Juice is like the accumulated Links that a page or site receives from other web pages and the value that is given to each of them.


Link Juice Distribution
We must take into account and understand that each link that is used in a post will transfer a part of that positioning. What it will do is generate an impact on the landing page. However, thanks to the links with the nofollow attribute we will be able to control it in a certain way.


This means that if we want to limit the transfer of authority, we have to use the "nofollow" attribute associated with each link in which the site does not seek to take advantage of Link Juice. This is done since the more links we put, the less authority will be distributed among them, so it is interesting to keep track of this and select that the link be followed only on the appropriate occasions for it and that interest us. However, despite having the nofollow attribute, it is currently taken into account by Google, although to a much lesser extent than if it is dofollow.


Relationship between Link Juice and keywords
The selection of keywords are another important element to carry out in a good SEO strategy, so it is important that we understand the relationship they have with Link Juice.


It is important that when we put a link, we try to put it in keywords of our text that we want to position, but doing this in a natural and fluid way. We must therefore take into account that the linked keywords are important to improve your positioning.


The link juice transferred to your site is effective in the following cases:
  • Pages in which the content is of quality.
  • Pages that have content relevant to your site.
  • Pages that have relatively few outbound links.
  • Pages with a high PageRank.
  • Pages with a good position in the search results.
  • Pages displayed on social networks.


The link juice transferred to your site is not effective when it comes from:
  • Payment links.
  • Pages where the content is irrelevant.
  • Pages that have a "nofollow" attribute assigned to the link to your site. (In this case the value would not be null but it would be minimum)
  • Pages that already have numerous links, such as advertising links
  • Links from non-positioned sites that do not include quality content.


2 How to get more Link Juice

Links are one of the fundamental parts of SEO and above all one of the most obvious indicators for Google to give value to a page and award it better positions in the SERP search results.


For Link Juice to be effective on our site, we must take into account a series of actions that we can carry out, so that it is more effective. Next we will see different techniques that you must carry out or aspects to take into account, so that your Link Juice strategy is as effective and productive as possible.


Internal links:
There is no doubt that we must give the internal links on our sites the value they deserve, since many times we overlook them without really assessing their importance. It is therefore interesting that we look for valuable links on our own site, so that we can link our other content in this way and give them more value.


In order to find valuable links on your site that are interesting, you can do it through the search for keywords with which you are best positioned. To do this search you can do the following in the Google search engine. You can use the site: and intext: search operators to find that content.


Example: In our case we want to search within the TechnoWikis site, the best positioned content for "Instagram Problems". For this we must put the following in the Google search engine

 site:solvetic.com intext:"instagram problems” 



Once you have carried out your search and gathered the web pages with good domain authority for your site based on the selected keywords, it is time to distribute the Link Juice. What you should do is distribute these links among the related content, using the keywords as anchor text for it. Remember that in order not to appear spam, it is interesting that you also use synonyms or similar terms and not just the exact match of the keywords.


link recovery
This process is based on searching and finding those links that are old and that now no longer work or are outdated and that point to your website. In order to find these types of links you can use a tool such as ahref. In this way you will be able to ensure that your page is not losing Link juice due to the loss of broken links.


The recovery of links consists of claiming to other pages that have already put a link to you but that currently does not work, the possibility of changing it for one that is updated. We must also do this with the internal links of our site.


In the following sections we will see in detail how to carry out the link detection and recovery process.



Do Link Baiting
Another of the techniques that we can carry out to improve the Link Juice of our website is to execute Link Baiting techniques. This basically consists of creating high-quality content that is linked by other pages given the great value it houses. It is about looking for content that you know will be easier to link or that you consider that given its quality and originality it will be linked naturally.


To learn more about this technique, enter the next chapter of the Link Building course, which explains in detail what Link Bait is and how to perform it in the best possible way.



Do not center all links on the home page
An error that is quite frequent is concentrating many of the links on the Home page of a site. Generally or in many cases in Link building campaigns the links to the home page are usually derived. In this way we are losing opportunities to give value to other pages of content on our website. It is therefore interesting and important that we derive links to other pages of our site so that in this way we give them value and positioning in the search results.


Make sure pages are a few clicks away from the home page
All the pages that you consider relevant to your site must be a few clicks away from the home page or have a menu from which it is easy to access the home page. Search engines also interpret this as a sign of trust for the page they are looking at. Keep this in mind.


Invest in Digital Marketing
Another of the strategies to promote Link Juice on your website is to invest in marketing strategies. Organic traffic is undoubtedly the most important, but we must bear in mind that investing in ads will also make us position ourselves better and be more visible to the public, giving our content greater relevance as long as it is of quality.


If our page is more relevant, it will also be relevant in the eyes of Google and will make our content rise in position naturally.



3 How to see broken links outside your site

A link is considered broken when the linked site decides to remove or remove the page it is linking to with that link. The fact of having broken links that point to our website can harm us in our Link Juice strategy, so it is interesting and we must know how to detect this type of links that point to our content.


This can happen for various reasons such as the link placed has not been copied correctly, we have deleted that content or that page no longer exists, for example. Detecting this is therefore important in order to try to solve possible cases. To do this you must do the following.


In our Link Building course we have used the ahrefs tool, but you can use others such as Semrush or Moz to execute this type of action.


Step 1

The first thing you should do is enter the ahrefs site explorer area and enter your domain.




Step 2

Now you have to click on "Better by links" in the pages section




Step 3

Now you will see that you can establish a series of filters. In this case select 404 not found, so the results are broken links.




Step 4

Finally you will see that all the broken links that point to your website appear.




step 5

Display the domain and you will be able to see which website has a broken link from you. You can also access that link to see what happened and why it returns an error.




What to do with broken links
Now that you know that data, you can fix this by contacting that page and offering a new link or checking that it is spelled correctly. You can also see if that content has been deleted and you can create a new related one to offer to the websites that have lost your link.


You can also redirect that page to another that has similar content and that you think may be interesting for users who visit that link.



4 How to see broken links within your site

In addition to seeing the broken links that we have from other websites pointing to ours, it is very important that we have broken links within our site, so that in this way we can identify them and solve this problem since it is useless for us to have links that do not work within our sites. In order to see this we are going to use the ahrefs tool again.


To do this, the steps that you must follow in this case are the following:


Step 1

The first step will be to enter the ahrefs site explorer area and enter your domain.




Step 2

The next thing you should do is click on "Better by links" in the pages section




Step 3

At the top you will see a series of filters appear. In this case select 404 not found, so the results are broken links.




Step 4

Finally you will see a list of links appear. In order to see the internal links of your website, you must click on "Internal links". Now you will see the list of broken links that you have within your site.




step 5

To find out what these broken links correspond to, display where it says "page links" and you will be able to see which url and area it corresponds to.




step 6

You can enter the page that has that link to find out where it is. To do this from Chrome select "View page source code"




step 7

Now you must search within the code for the URL that is giving a 404 error and therefore a broken link. To do this, use the search engine and paste the URL of the broken link you want to search for.


Search in Windows


Ctrl + F



Search on Mac


+ F



You will see in which area of ​​the text and its anchor text to make it easier to detect.




What to do with broken links
Now that you know this data, you can solve this by reviewing the content of these links and evaluating whether to make a redirect or create new content that you can link to if you find it interesting and beneficial.


In the event that you do not think they are useful, you can delete us directly so that they do not appear as broken links within your site.


In order for us to have a quality website, we must have valuable content and both inbound and outbound links that are useful for users and that also offer interesting information. That is why having a good Link Juice strategy will make the positioning better and our site acquire greater importance when it comes to showing results in search engines.

by (3.5m points)

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