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Types of external links SEO

in SEO by (552k points)
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1 Importance of the diversity of SEO links
2 Types of external links
3 How to analyze external links to our site

During our Link Building strategy we must be very clear that there are several factors that we must take into account to make it effective and as efficient as possible since what we are looking for with it is that our content positions itself better in the SERP results, we have better domain authority and become more popular in our niche..


It is important, therefore, that having all these points clear, we know that one of the factors that we must take into account is therefore that our links are diverse, so that we are going to delve deeper into this subject so that in this way we are clear about This concept.


Types of links
In general, there are three types of links:
  • Internal links: hyperlinks that lead from one page to another within your own site.
  • External Links: Hyperlinks that lead from your website to another resource.
  • Backlinks: hyperlinks that lead from another website to yours.
these links are important for the SEO of our website, but here we will see the diversity of possible external links that we can include on our site.


Importance of external links SEO
It is important to obtain quality and relevant external links to improve positioning and visibility in search results. External links can help us in our Link Building strategy in the following:
  • Increase page authority: External links from high authority websites can transfer page authority to your website if they link back to your site. Search engines interpret links from external websites as votes of confidence in the content of the receiving page.
  • Improve search engine rankings: Backlinks can help improve rankings in SERP search results, especially when the links come from high-quality and relevant websites. These links are considered by search engines as a sign of quality and relevance and they use them to classify the validity of content and therefore its positioning in the results.
  • They increase the visibility of the website: Backlinks can increase the visibility of the website by driving traffic to it. If your website is linked to a quality website with a lot of traffic, this will have a significant impact on the amount of new traffic you will receive from that link.
  • Site indexing: External links can also help search engines discover and index your website. If your page receives links from other websites, search engines are more likely to find it and follow those links to discover new pages and update their index.



What is link diversity?
The diversity of links focuses on obtaining links from different sources (blogs, news sites, social networks), always with appropriate anchor text for the link and different from each other. In addition, these links must be placed in different locations on the websites (home page, landing pages, blog posts) and on multiple and varied websites, but as long as they are related to our type of content.


Important factors for a good link
Some factors that could generate good inbound links include:
  • The authority of the website and relevance to the topic of the link
  • The quality of the website content
  • The reliability and reputation of the website
  • The number and quality of other backlinks to the website
  • The age of the website
  • The location of the website
  • The location of the link on web pages
  • The relevance of the tag used


It is therefore important that I have different links on our website so that it can be seen that we do not focus only on one type of them, which in the eyes of Google will make this seem more natural and therefore they are better valued to achieve our purposes. , which is to improve in SEO and therefore receive more visits by being better considered in the search results and by opening new doors on other pages so that new users can get to know us..


This is intended to make a site's backlinks look more natural by having links from a variety of sources. What it will do is prevent the site from being considered spam.


1 Importance of the diversity of SEO links

It is important to keep in mind that the diversity of links does not mean that if we do it in an unnatural way it will fool Google. It is important that any strategy that we carry out to improve the SEO of our website is always natural so as not to be considered Spam in any case.


Link Variety Benefits
  • The more links your website has from different sites, the more trustworthy your site will appear.
  • The variety of links from different websites will in turn have more sources of traffic.
  • Having greater visibility thanks to the variety of links will give your brand more prestige and a wider audience.
  • The diversity of links helps that if the Google algorithm changes for any of them, we will continue to be considered by the others.
  • A well-balanced link profile indicates that links have been established organically


In addition to this, it is important to know how the diversity of links should be in order to take these points into account when looking for them..


Link diversity requirements
  • High-quality links: It is important for our website to have high-quality links since a backlink from a prestigious website will always be better than 100 links that come from pages with a low domain authority.
  • Large number of domains: It is important that the links come from different domains and that it is not a single domain that places a large number of links that point to our website.


In this aspect we must take into account that places such as link farms or directories are not good for having backlinks since they will harm us and to benefit the eyes of Google


Therefore, the diversity of links is very important since when Google analyzes this and determines the value of our page, it will be looking through an analysis, if our link profile is normal or statistically different. Google's goal is to identify websites that are authentic and relevant, in order to display them in search results.




2 Types of external links

We can achieve the variety of links thanks to the incorporation of links that point to our website, from different pages and from different categories. We can categorize this variety as follows, so that we get a clearer idea of ​​what type of backlinks we should get for our site.


High authority websites in your niche
Obtaining links from these websites will increase your domain authority and the users who enter it will consider you as a prestigious and reliable website for this type of content.


Low authority websites in the niche in which you are
Other of the links that it is interesting that you have are from those websites related to your niche but that have lower domain authority, as long as they are reliable and of quality.


High authority websites outside of your niche, but related to it
We must bear in mind that the backlinks we receive by pointing to our website must always be in content that is related to your theme, even though they are not 100% in your market niche. If you are web has high authority, they will be types of quality backlinks.


Social Bookmarking Sites
These are pages where you can share your web pages, articles, blog posts, images, and videos. The more people have access to your content, the more likely it is to go viral. Among these markers we find that the most outstanding for them are:
  • twitter.com
  • pinterest.com
  • ​linkedin.comlinkedin.com
  • stumbleupon.com
  • delicious.com
  • digg.com
  • reddit.com
  • slashdot.com
  • scoop.it


In each of these bookmarks you will be able to make publications in which to add backlinks that point to your website, to give you greater visibility in the eyes of Google and users.



blog directories
Another option you have to include links to your content on other websites is to do it through directories. In Spanish we find very popular options such as the following:


lablogoteca.20minutos.es This blog is a platform for citizen social denunciation, reflection and reasoned opinion of the readers of 20 minutos


Facebook fan page: You can create a Facebook fan page and from there share those posts that you consider appropriate.


www.meneame.net is a community participation website where registered users can publish their content for other users.



Comments and responses on blogs
Another of the options that we have to get varied links is to post comments or answers on blogs that are related to our theme and that the information we publish is relevant and interesting to the users who are reading those blogs.


Participation in forums and contribution of information
Forums can be another good option for us to include our links, always taking into account that we do not appear to be spam and that these links are always related to the content treated and useful for users.


Among the most important forums or sites to collaborate in Spanish we find examples such as:


Quora: It is a question and answer site in which you will be able to participate by including one of your links to provide solutions to what users ask or to provide information on a topic.


Yahoo Answers: Another of the most famous and well-known forums is Yahoo Answers, and in it we will also be able to include links to our content.


Enfemenino: is a digital communication medium aimed at women in which different topics related to aspects of life are discussed.



guest tickets
Guest posts will be a sure sign that you are doing your own link building by creating quality content.




In addition, it is important to remember that depending on the attribute that these links have, it will also vary and Google will classify them as different and will also give them the importance that corresponds to each one of them. In the following link you will be able to see all the differences and types of possible attributes to put in the links.




3 How to analyze external links to our site

It is important that we know how to detect and analyze the external links that point to our site, so that in this way we can assess their validity and find new opportunities. That is why we are going to see how to analyze this report and see this data from ahrefs.


In our Link Building course we have used the ahrefs tool, but you can use others such as Semrush or Moz to execute this type of action.


The Backlinks report shows you all the backlinks pointing to a domain, URL, or subsection.


Step 1

The first thing you should do is enter "Site explorer and put your domain"




Step 2

Now, within the links profile, click on "Links"




Step 3

Now you will see that ahrefs returns a series of data in relation to this report on the links that point to your site.




Reference page
The title and URL of the page that contains a link to your goal.

The Domain Rating (DR) shows the strength of a website's link profile compared to the others in the database on a 100-point scale.

URL Rank (UR) shows the strength of the landing page's backlink profile on a 100-point scale.

domain traffic
The referring domain's estimated monthly organic traffic from search.

Referring domains
The number of unique domains linking to the referring page.

Linked domains
The number of unique domains linked from the referring page.

The number of unique domains linked from the referring page.

page traffic
The estimated monthly organic traffic from the referring page search

The number of keywords for which the referring page ranks in the top 100 positions.

Anchor text and target URL
The link's anchor text and the URL it points to. Also a fragment of the text that surrounds it.

first time seen
The date we first found the link to your goal on a certain referring page.

last seen
The date we last checked that the link was active.


You can order them according to your interests, by clicking on each of the available options.


Step 4

For example, if we click on page traffic, we can see the pages that receive the most traffic and therefore see which link has been placed on them.




step 5

If you click on keywords, you will see the keywords for which that link is positioning within the content from which your site has been linked. This can give you ideas to create new related content.




As we can see, we have a great variety of options so that we can get varied links that point to our website, thus also obtaining all the benefits that this will bring to our content and our domain authority.


There are several types of external links, such as directory links, social media links or news site links among others as we have just seen. It is important to look for quality and relevant external links to improve the positioning and visibility of the website in search results and to become more and more visible in search engines and for users to know us more and more.

by (3.5m points)

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