+4 votes

EMule 2020 servers: List true servers Server.met and others

in Other Applications by (552k points)
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3 Answers

+5 votes

1. eMule 2020 servers: Update list of true servers manually
2 . EMule 2020 servers: Update list of true servers automatically
3. Recommendations when updating servers in eMule

P2P downloads are one of the most used mechanisms today by millions of users worldwide and one of the best known platforms for this type of downloads is eMule where users have several networks such as Ed2k, Source Exchange or Kad with the In order to create a reliable network. This is more than necessary because security is something that cannot go unnoticed and more in the use of eMule since if you are a frequent user you will understand that this application acts through various servers on which the content we are looking for is hosted.

One of the tasks that we must perform with eMule is to periodically update the list of servers for reasons such as:

  • Availability of content to download.
  • Reliability of objects.
  • Server Integrity
  • Security of our equipment and files.

List updated true servers eMule 2020 February

  • eMule Security:
     IP, port 8369 
  • GrupoTS Server:
     IP, port 4661 
  • !! Sharing-Devils No.1 !!:
     IP, port 4232 
  • !! Sharing-Devils No.2 !!:
     IP, port 4242 

Lately many eMule servers are full of fake files or have different types of viruses so that when something is downloaded as a plus, we receive a virus that can cause irreversible damage to our computer. Therefore, it is very important to know the list of true eMule servers that are not down.

You can download the latest version of eMule at the following link:


TechnoWikis will explain to you through this tutorial how you can assign reliable servers in eMule in order to avoid unpleasant surprises or security failures on your computer.

EMule 2020 true servers

In eMule there are basically two ways to update registered servers, these are:

  • Manually .
  • Automatically Servet met of the IRC of Spain .

1. eMule 2020 servers: Update list of true servers manually

This option allows us to enter manually which servers have to be used which is a centralized administration on them.

Step 1

To achieve this we access eMule where we will see the following. There we click on the "Preferences" button image

Step 2

In the pop-up window we go to the "Server" section where we will see the following. First, let's activate the "Secure connection" box


Step 3

We can edit the number of retries at the top if we wish. We click Apply and Accept to save the changes.


Step 4

Now, in the main eMule window, we go to the "Servers" tab and there we enter the following data:

  • Server IP
  • Assigned port
  • Server name

The reliable eMule servers that we will enter there are the following:

  • eMule Security: IP, port 8369
  • GrupoTS Server: IP, port 4661
  • !! Sharing-Devils No.1 !!: IP, port 4232
  • !! Sharing-Devils No.2 !!: IP, port 4242

Step 5

We enter these data in the respective boxes on the right side: image

Step 6

Once entered we click on "Add to list". If you see a server there hosted with an IP address different from the ones we mentioned, it is a fake server. image

Step 7

If there is, we will right click on it and select "Delete selected server":


Up to this point we have updated the servers manually in eMule.

2 . EMule 2020 servers: Update list of true servers automatically

If we want the process to be done automatically, we must do the following.

Step 1

We go back to the "Preferences" menu and in the "Server" section we activate the "Auto-update server list on startup" box:


Step 2

Now we click on the "Edit" button located on the right side and a notepad will be displayed where we will enter any of the following addresses:



We save the changes and close the notebook and after this we click on Apply and Accept to save the changes. With this process, now every time we access eMule the list of servers we have registered.

Step 3

In case we don't want to wait for eMule to update the servers, we will do the following. We will go to the "Servers" tab and go to the "Update Server.met from URL" section and there we can enter any of these addresses:




An option to always have the most reliable servers on hand would be to right click on the server and click on "Add to the list of fixed servers".

Step 4

Once the URL is entered, click on "Update":


3. Recommendations when updating servers in eMule

One tip is that, when establishing a connection with a server, we must take into account variables such as ping or number of users.

Establish a server as a priority

We can make some of the servers that we have registered as a priority, for this we right click on it and select Priority / High:


Reconnect when losing connection

For this we will go to Preferences / Connection and there we activate the "Reconnect when losing connection" box. We click Apply and Accept to save the changes.


IP filter updated

Another tip of TechnoWikis is to make use of an IP filter updated for security reasons. For eMule we can use the IPFilter 10/02/2020 -Made by the IRC of Spain.

To install it in eMule we will go to Preferences / Security and there we will do the following:

  • Activate the "Filter Servers" box
  • In the "Update from URL" field, enter the following address:


We can use the following address also if we wish:


Now we click on "Upload" and Accept.


With this process we will have 197,182 filtered IP addresses.

Final tips

As final tips from TechnoWikis remember:

  • With eMule 0.51d, community version, we must always perform searches in Automatic
  • Always perform searches on Global Servers
  • To download eMule faster, the ideal is to have an active ID in the edk2 and Kad networks

With TechnoWikis you have learned to improve security by using eMule by establishing only reliable and secure servers.

Please leave a comment below about whether the solution works or not

by (3.5m points)
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Thank you very much
+5 votes

1 - How to update the list of servers
2 - What are the servers for?
3 - How to choose a good server
4 - Why I am blacklisted
5 - Why do I regularly disconnect from the server

1 - How to update the list of servers?
2 - What are the servers for?
3 - How to choose a good server?
4 - Why am I blacklisted?
5 - Why do I regularly disconnect from the server?

1 - How to update the list of servers

To preserve your privacy as well as possible, we recommend a few fairly simple adjustments to your mule which will not do everything but will help a little.

  • Warning For people using W7 or Vista, this tutorial must be done as an administrator on your mule, to do this close emule and open it by right-clicking "run as administrator"
  • It is imperative to remember to "delete all servers" in the "Servers" tab of emule. To do this, right click on the list and choose delete all servers .
  • Go click on the Preferences button (top right)
    Then in the window that appears in the menu on the left click on the fifth icon from the top (small computer tower) ==> Server
  • Once on the " servers " window :


    In the line "Delete inactive servers" , put 5 instead of 1 by default.

    1. TAKE OFF
      • The 2 nd box "Update list of servers by server connection" (this prevents you from falling on so-called "spy" servers)
      • The 3 rd box "Update server list by client connection" (this allows you to share your server lists only between users on the network).
        If they are checked, uncheck them to preserve your privacy!
    2. Tick
      • The 1 st box "Auto update server list at startup" if it is not already done.
      • The 4 th box "Control of Smart LowID the connection"
      • The 5 th box "Respectful server connection"

  • Then click on the Edit button which is on the right. Your Notepad starts up, that's normal. In this now open text file paste the following link:


  • or by using this backup address if the other does not work:


  • Finally in Notepad go to the File menu then save then close Notepad.

Now remember to click on the " Apply " or " Ok " button of the " Preferences " window and Restart emule

If, despite the operations described, your list of servers is not correct, or if your update is not carried out. Before performing this procedure again , you must delete the server.met , server.old and server.download files present in the eMule config folder.

The number of servers in this list may vary, this is normal.


2 - What are the servers for?

EMule servers are only directories. They list the users connected to the network as well as the files they share. They do not provide the files. If things don't go fast, it's not their fault.

3 - How to choose a good server

eMule obtains sources on all the servers in your list, during a search in "Global (server)" method. It is therefore not necessary to connect successively to each server to have all the sources.
In general, it suffices to be able to connect in HighId to a server, for this to be sufficient. There is no such thing as a "good" server .
The important thing is only to be on a server that works well, and that's not where the download problems come from in general, especially as our list of servers guarantees that you only have servers that are function correctly (see point 3).

4 - Why I am blacklisted

Most servers have a credit system to judge customer behavior. Each action, connection, research, request for sources, etc., costs credit points. When the credit is exhausted, the server disconnects the client and warns him of its blacklisting.
Limit the number of shared files to 30, change server momentarily and reduce the frequency of searches on the same server.

5 - Why do I regularly disconnect from the server

There are two main reasons:

  • Your firewall cannot manage eMule correctly , Zone Alarm for example. Temporarily disconnect your firewall to see if the connection holds.
  • You have too many files to share.

by (552k points)
+4 votes

Country IP Port Server desc Files Users Ping Last pingtime Max users Soft files Hard files LowID users
Lithuania 8369 eMule Security No1
35,545,046 86,646 62 2020-12-07 01:09:01 120,000 100,000 100,001 0 (0%)
Netherlands 6584 eMule Security No2
6,481,606 16,758 78 2020-12-07 00:26:56 50,000 100,000 100,001 0 (0%)
France 4245 La Cosa Nostra
Godfather of eMule
4,892,586 10,847 78 2020-12-07 00:48:30 250,000 1,000,000 1,000,001 0 (0%)
France 4661 GrupoTS Server
El foro de las series
2,416,179 8,897 78 2020-12-07 00:27:31 25,000 7,500 7,500 0 (0%)
Lithuania 43333 Astra-3
Astra-3 Server
1,020,168 1,735 63 2020-12-07 01:04:36 300,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 0 (0%)
Finland 22888 Astra-2
Astra-2 Server
892,037 1,785 62 2020-12-07 00:36:49 300,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 0 (0%)
Russian Federation 9797 eDonkey Server No2
eDonkey Server No2
865,484 1,174 281 2020-12-07 00:28:39 300,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 0 (0%)
Russian Federation 42011 Pentium Pilat 2022
Pentium Pilat 2022 Server
725,411 1,185 125 2020-12-07 00:44:25 300,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 0 (0%)
Russian Federation 9191 eDonkey Server No1
eDonkey Server No1
671,545 1,299 282 2020-12-07 00:28:34 300,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 0 (0%)
Netherlands 39831 Astra-4
Astra-4 Server
661,025 876 78 2020-12-07 00:54:22 300,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 0 (0%)
United States 31031 Gaal
Gaal Server
533,423 868 78 2020-12-07 00:16:08 300,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 0 (0%)
Australia 51013 Da Na Hui - Limited Edition
Da Na Hui - Limited Edition
481,112 918 312 2020-12-07 00:15:30 3,000 100,000 500,000 0 (0%)

by (552k points)

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