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Security in Windows 8

in Security by (552k points)
reopened | 216 views

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Before we start configuring the security measures, let's look at the tools that Windows 8 provides to defend us against these threats.

Windows Firewall

Windows 8 comes by default with its Firewall activated because when your computer connects to the Internet another person is able to access your computer and infect it with a virus or cause problems in it. Windows Firewall prevents intruders from accessing your computer while you are online.


Windows Defender

Spyware are programs that are installed on your computer without your consent or without your knowledge. These programs collect information from your computer, steal passwords, display advertising and take control of your browser. To prevent these programs from being installed on your computer, Windows 8 includes Windows Defender .



Phishing refers to emails or websites that seem to come from legitimate businesses and organizations but now come from professionals in the art of cheating on the web. The purpose of these messages or sites is to deceive the person so that they disclose personal and private information, such as: passwords and credit card numbers. Internet Explorer and Windows mail come with anti-phising to prevent this from happening.
Junk mail filter
Spam refers to mail advertising ranging from baldness cure to cheaper printer cartridges. Most of these emails contain fraudulent information or some lead to adult content sites, however these emails can take us to sites that install some Spyware on our computer. That is why Windows Mail has implemented a filter to protect us from these messages.


Having seen these tools, let's see how to configure them, activate them and be aware of the warning messages that Windows 8 provides us to be prepared for any threat to our computer.

Action Center

Action Center shows the messages about the current state of our computer, is specifically responsible for warning you if there is a security problem in it.
For example Action Center tells you if your computer does not have antivirus protection or if Windows Defender is outdated. But let's see how to access it and how it works.


  • [color = # ff0000] 1 - [/ color] Press the Windows + W key and the search engine will appear.
  • Escribimos Action. [color = # ff0000] 2 - [/ color] We write Action.
  • Le damos click en Action Center . [color = # ff0000] 3 - [/ color] We click on Action Center .
After that the Action Center window appears.


  • Aquí podemos revisar los mensajes en la sección de seguridad. [color = # ff0000] 4 - [/ color] Here we can review the messages in the security section.
  • Podemos hacer click en el botón del mensaje para resolver algún problema de seguridad como activar la herramienta, en este ejemplo: Windows Defender . [color = # ff0000] 5 - [/ color] We can click on the message button to solve a security problem like activating the tool, in this example: Windows Defender .
  • Por último le damos click en Security. [color = # ff0000] 6 - [/ color] Finally we click on Security.


  • Podemos navegar por la ventana del Action Center. [color = # ff0000] 7 - [/ color] We can navigate through the Action Center window.
  • [color = # 008000] A - [/ color] Action Center shows a summary of all the security settings of our system.


With this tutorial we have known the security tools that Windows 8 provides us and the steps to have our system protected against any threat that puts at risk the state of our computer and the privacy of our data.

by (3.5m points)

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