+4 votes
Do you suspect strange files on your computer? Infected?

in Security by (552k points)
reopened | 210 views

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Update your antivirus

The first thing you should check is if your computer's antivirus has the latest update available, to perform this task you can check the following page http://virscan.org/ where the latest available versions of the most popular antivirus are displayed.


Manual file scanning

To ensure that the file is not detected as malware by your computer's antivirus, perform a manual scan of the file. Most antivirus add a contextual option (right-click options) that allows manual scanning of a file, directory or disk drive.

Scanning with multiple antivirus engines

es recomendado y Nunca debes tener más de un antivirus instalado en tu equipo. As mentioned in the tutorial " How to optimize and improve the performance of my computer " is not recommended and you should never have more than one antivirus installed on your computer. For the analysis with multiple antivirus engines, the following pages are available, which allow you to analyze files with different antivirus engines without having to install them all.

http://virscan.org/ It allows sending and analyzing files with a size smaller than 20Mb, it also allows the sending and analysis of .rar and .zip files with password "infected" or "virus". It performs the analysis with 37 different antivirus engines and shows the results for each antivirus engine, if a positive detection shows the name of the malware found.


It allows in the analysis of files and also of urls suspicious of spreading malicious codes by means of downloads or malwares inserted in their html code. Allows you to send and analyze files with a size smaller than 64Mb, Performs the analysis with 46 different antivirus engines and shows the results for each antivirus engine, in case of a positive detection shows the name of the malware found.


Like the previous ones it allows the sending and analysis of files, in this case with a maximum size of 80Mb and the files are analyzed with 43 antivirus engines.

Analysis of results

Finally you should analyze the results obtained in the different antivirus engines. First check the result to the antivirus brand that your computer has. If the online analysis indicates that your brand is detecting the file as malware, check the antivirus settings on your computer since it is most likely not analyzing all the files efficiently. Pay special attention to the exclusion lists, since they prevent certain files or folders from being scanned, it also checks the types of files (extensions) included in the antivirus scan.
If on the contrary the analyzes indicate that your brand does not detect malware in the file and other brands if they detect it, it takes note of the name of the malware and looks for information on the Internet about this malware, its behavior, which operating systems it affects and some possible solution .
Finally, if the analysis shows that no antivirus engine detects malware in your file it is very likely that it does not represent a threat to your computer.

by (3.5m points)

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