+5 votes
An unknown Instagram network error occurred and has occurred

in Internet by (552k points)
reopened | 466 views

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

1. How to reset our phone to fix Instagram error
2. How to set mobile date and time to fix Instagram error
3. How to check the connectivity of the mobile network
4. How to clean cache and data Instagram
5. How to update Instagram

In a world where every second more and more users are choosing to use social networks to express feelings, states (emotional or not) and in general to be connected with friends and family, it is more than necessary that not only the platform of the social network work properly but some hardware and software components help make this task as complete and functional, otherwise more than one user would hit the wall when not connected..

There are social networking platforms such as Facebook , Skype, Twitter, etc., but one that has taken hold every day is Instagram, because thanks to its various features and functions it will be possible to share different content with more users as well as follow or win followers

Instagram features
Some of the features we found when using Instagram are:
  • Follow users from the search.
  • Touch and maintain images.
  • Explore compilations on video pages.
  • See all user suggestions.
  • Create personalized stickers
  • Improvements in the draft tool and many more.

So far everything is correct and clear, right? But what would happen if you see this message on your Instagram:


It is something that usually happens because we still live on planet earth and people are wrong and our system components can fail and before this, nobody can do anything but wait! Then TechnoWikis will explain different options you can follow to solve this error.

This network error usually appears nothing more and nothing less at the moment you proceed to login on Instagram or when we want to see the information on the page. It is usually an error associated with the communication between our device and the local or external network..

Possible causes
Some causes of this error are:
  • Conflicts of the IP address that lead to communication errors.
  • Bad network connection or unstable network.
  • Presence of viruses or malware.

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Now without further details we will see how to correct this Instagram error.

These processes may vary slightly depending on the model and brand of smartphone that we have, but will generally follow the same pattern.

1. How to reset our phone to fix Instagram error

It is true, it is the most basic solution with which we have all types of users of any operating system and although it seems somewhat illogical and simple, when we turn off or restart our devices we allow the services and processes (within which Instagram) to be updated or initiated again, this can be a practical solution without losing your head.

For this we will activate our equipment, if it is blocked, and press for two seconds the off button located on the side of the computer and we will see the following:


There again click on the button "Restart" to proceed with the restart or, as the message says it clearly, we can press for 10 seconds the button to force the restart of this. Once the computer is rebooted we will enter the access password and we can prove that Instagram works in the correct way..

2. How to set mobile date and time to fix Instagram error

Another point that seems to have no negative impact on the Instagram app (and in many other aspects of the system in general) is having an incorrect time and date, this will cause the synchronization processes to fail and stand on this error.
Step 1

To check and configure the date and time in Android we will go to the settings and in the expanded window we will find the section "Advanced configuration":


Step 1

We click there and later we find the line "Date and time"


Step 2

When accessing this configuration, we will check or activate the option "Automatic date and time":


Step 3

This allows both the date and the time to be synchronized with Google, now, if the error keeps appearing with this change, we uncheck this automatic option and in the "Set date" section we enter a range of dates higher in 4 or 5 years :


Click OK and if Instagram opens without problems we can go back to the date and time settings and set the automatic values.

3. How to check the connectivity of the mobile network

The unknown network error in Instagram is basically an error in the communication protocols of the network with the various elements that come into play during this process (protocols, modems, routers, etc). It is therefore ideal to validate the network connection. TechnoWikis knows very well that you use Instagram on your phone a lot of the time using the Wi-Fi connection but we should know that the Wi-Fi network is susceptible to different errors such as signal strength, coverage, power and more for various reasons. internal as well as external.

To correct this, we can disable the Wi-Fi network on our mobile and activate the data to verify if this is the cause:


But if we use the data and the error is present, it is not a bad idea to verify the modem connection or we can disconnect it for 30 seconds and connect it again and carry out the tests of the connection to Instagram.

4. How to clean cache and data Instagram

As we use the Instagram application on our mobile this is filling a section called cache and data that is where elements that allow more agile access are housed, but an accumulation of these can cause the error to be the order of the day .

If we want to clean this cache and data we must follow all the steps that are detailed in the following tutorial.

5. How to update Instagram

Not only keep the operating system updated is key in security but also the applications that we have installed in this, so it is ideal to check the available updates of Instagram in case these are not applied automatically.

In the next section we will locate the Instagram application and there we will validate if there is an available update:


If there is an update available, we must click on the "Update" button.

In case the failure continues, we can uninstall Instagram from our mobile and reinstall it again, in the following link we find the download link from the PlayStore:

Play Store
App Store

We can see that the solutions to correct this error are varied and each of us, if we get this error, some of them may be the solution we are waiting for thanks to TechnoWikis. In the event that none of this has solved the problem, we should not worry because it is surely enough for us to wait and everything will return to normal.

by (3.5m points)
+3 votes

What does an unknown network error mean?
Restart your mobile
Check the Internet connection

An unknown network error has occurred on Instagram 2020 (Solved)


  • What does an unknown network error mean?
    • Restart your mobile
    • Check the Internet connection
    • Clear data and cache
    • Check device date and time
    • Update the Instagram application
  • conclusion

If you are a daily Instagram user, you may have encountered "an unknown network error has occurred" warning.

Instagram is the social media application for sharing photos online preferred worldwide. It has simply taken the planet of photo-sharing to a new level.

However, sometimes Instagram shows error messages.

What does an unknown network error mean?

This error appears once you try to access your Instagram account. This is a common mistake and can appear at any time when you log in to Instagram through the application.

There is no specific reason for this error and there is no rule to correct it. You can simply eliminate this error by following some simple steps.

Generally, this error seems to be the result of some network problems and it might simply be fixed.

This error appears only in the Instagram mobile application and if you connect through the Instagram website, you may not face this error.

You can follow these strategies one by one and I hope that any of them works for you and you can eliminate this error quickly

Restart your mobile

The first and simplest way to eliminate Unknown Instagram Error is by restarting your mobile session.

Simply keep pressing the power button on your device until it restarts on its own.

  1. Once you have restarted the device, open the Instagram application.
  2. Enter your login credentials.
  3. Boom! You will no longer face Unknown network error .

Check the Internet connection

If this did not work, sometimes this error will occur as a result of your web affiliation or a failure in your Internet connection, either by WIFI or direct.

by (552k points)
+4 votes

Some of the cases can be:

Solution to the instagram error “An unknown network error has occurred”   If you have this problem it is because instagram is currently suspending some users for suspicious and unusual activity. This social network has improved its security and suspensions users who abuse or violate instagram policies.

Some of the cases can be:

  • Massive tracking
  • Inappropriate accounts
  • Inappropriate user names.
  • Spam
  • Many publications a day.

INSTAGRAMIn many cases you cannot open your instagram accounts from your mobile device, but if you try from another device if possible or from the Internet browser of the computer.

Today I bring you a momentary solution for people who own Android device. What they have to do is go to Google Play and download the following Parallel Space application  . After having installed it on the mobile device we will proceed to open the application:

  • Within the application we will click on Add APPS.
  • Then on the CLONATE APPS tab  We will select the Instagram application.
  • Once the previous procedure is finished, we will see that a copy of our application has been made.
  • We click on the arrow back ... and we will see the instagram application. We will click on it and see how it opens, we proceed to login and go ...

This method is totally momentary friends but do not worry, I am currently made this penalty but after a few days I could open my account again. If you have a much more effective solution, I would appreciate your leaving it in the comments to help us solve this problem.

Remember not to abuse the limits of this great application since you can get to penalize them permanently, and there if you will have to contact technical support to unlock your accounts. I look forward to your comments I hope I helped you!


by (552k points)

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