As in everything in life, the technological world does not escape from those information that may or may not be false. Technological urban legends are often heard, but it turns out that there are truths that seem laughable. For this reason we learn about Why the Router should be turned off and on every night?

Without a doubt, one of the most important devices we have is the Router . Through it, we make internet connections in a safe and fast way . And not only through the cable, but also wirelessly, thus managing the signal we receive.
The wonderful contributions that the Router can give us when making our connections to the network, are not sufficiently understood by the majority of users. But they still do not know how to make a basic configuration to open their ports or do not even know what the USB port of my Wireless Network Router is for, what uses can I give it.
Why should the Router be turned off and on every night?
Like all electronic devices, routers have evolved a great deal and present new and varied features that adjust to the needs of each user. These can have variable connection speeds and externally they have antennas or led lights that make it easier to identify their different signals.
Now, to answer the question with which this article begins, we can tell you that, in general, it is not necessary to turn off the Router at night. This of course if we do not leave our home for a long period of time. As for example due to a vacation trip and in that case if we should turn the Router off hopelessly.
But if we are talking about any benefit that turning the Router off at night can take away from us, it would be in relation to energy savings. And in this sense if it would be advisable to carry out this practice. Although on the invoice you can not see that the saving is something significant, if you are one of those who are in efficient consumption and energy saving, if you should.
But for those who turn them off at night, claiming that no one uses them. We can tell you that in the Router configuration, there is an option that allows you to turn off the wireless network at certain times. And so you avoid turning it off since with this function activated, it will disconnect automatically.
Router use can cause harmful health effects
On the other hand, some experts in the field believe that turning off the Router at night can be more harmful than beneficial. These allude that in a certain way the useful life of the device is diminishing and therefore this practice would not have any beneficial result, if on the contrary very harmful for its future operation.
Others allege that turning off the Router at night , especially if you have these devices in your room, can be detrimental to your health. Since they emit some type of radiation that in the long run may be the cause of some disease. But apparently these hypotheses have not been verified and therefore do not have a scientific basis.
On the other hand, those who are in favor of not turning off the Router at any time, except when you have to make a trip that keeps you away from home for a long period of time. They allege that this practice of turning off the Router can cause them to restart and lose their configuration and you should repeat this process.
So if you are concerned about the performance of your Router or about possible health problems that may result from the use of the device. You should only take into account certain precautions, try not to place it in places such as bedrooms or kitchens. Schedule the automatic shutdown function of wireless network.
So in this way you can have your Router working in your home without having to turn it off. In this way we come to the end of this tutorial that I showed you. Why should the Router be turned off and on every night?