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Your Samsung mobile screen remains black at startup

in Android Tutorial by (552k points)
reopened | 297 views

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Unable to turn on the screen of your Galaxy
Fix the black screen problem
Black screen on Galaxy S6 and S7


The Samsung Galaxy are certainly very good smartphones, but it sometimes happens that certain users encounter some problems. We will see today what to do when the screen of your mobile does not want to turn on and remains conspicuously black..

Unable to turn on the screen of your Galaxy

Android smartphones don't just make people happy. Like any electronic device, they too have their share of technical problems . Several users have already encountered a black screen problem when starting their Samsung Galaxy

The phone seems to light up correctly, the notification LED flashes blue several times. However, the screen remains blocked as if it were frozen while the battery is correctly charged. Most of the time the keys at the bottom of the phone light up when a call is received.

Note that this problem can also occur when trying to wake up your phone. No more buttons seem to work..

Fix the black screen problem

If you are faced with a black screen , you will have no other solution than to remove the battery and wait a few seconds while your Galaxy regains its senses. Then simply replace the battery in its housing and start your phone by simply pressing the Power button.

In most cases this simple manipulation is enough to solve the problem of the black screen. If despite all your efforts, the screen remains frozen at startup, it may be a hardware problem. The slab does not appreciate certain shocks. You will then have no other choice than to return your smartphone to Samsung service..

Black screen on Galaxy S6 and S7

Where things get complicated is when this type of problem occurs on a phone whose battery does not remove as on the S6 or S7 for example. That said, rest assured, nothing is lost.

First, you will try to connect your smartphone to an electrical outlet using the charger provided. If the problem persists, you will have no other choice than to do a Hard reboot.

  • Keep your finger pressed on the Home button for several seconds until the phone restarts.
  • If the latter does not hear anything, you will need to press the Volume down, Home and Power buttons simultaneously and keep them pressed.
  • A green warning message will appear on your mobile screen
  • Then use the volume down key to restart your phone

Things should then go back to normal.

by (3.5m points)

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