+5 votes
Keyboard shortcuts in Word 2019 and Excel 2019 essential

in Office by (552k points)
reopened | 292 views

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1. Word 2019 keyboard shortcuts
2. Excel 2019 keyboard shortcuts

When we work with the computer, we usually use programs to write text or other documents. Undoubtedly, one of the most used office suites worldwide is Microsoft Office, given the good features and utilities that it offers with its programs..

In the case of writing text documents we have Word and if we need to create a spreadsheet the most used program is Excel . Both are very used and that is why it is worth knowing with the maximum possible details, which we can perform in each of them.

In addition, for the work to be productive and to be faster, it is very interesting that we know the keyboard shortcuts that we can use in both programs to access different actions through the combination of keys. That is why below we show you the essential shortcuts that you should know about both Word 2019 and Excel 2019..

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1. Word 2019 keyboard shortcuts

It is important that we know all these shortcuts, since they are the most used, so that when we are working in Word we can use and perform different functions quickly and easily.

+ A Ctrl + A


+ G Ctrl + G


+ R Ctrl + R


+ X Ctrl + X


+ C Ctrl + C


+ V Ctrl + V

Select all

+ E Ctrl + E

Bold font

+ N Ctrl + N


+ K Ctrl + K


+ O Ctrl + O

Reduce font size

+ [ Ctrl + [

Increase font size

+ ] Ctrl + ]

Justify text center

+ T Ctrl + T

Justify left text

+ Q Ctrl + Q

Justify right text

+ R Ctrl + R




+ Z Ctrl + Z


+ Y Ctrl + Y

Go to What do you want to do?

+ Q Ctrl + Q

2. Excel 2019 keyboard shortcuts

Excel is another of the most used programs in Office, so it is interesting to also know all these keyboard shortcuts and thus get more out of the program. It is also possible that this will help us and facilitate the use of the program, which in the first place can be more complex.
Close spreadsheets

+ R Ctrl + R

Open spreadsheet

+ A Ctrl + A

Go to home tab

+ O Alt + O

Save spreadsheet

+ G Ctrl + G


+ C Ctrl + C


+ V Ctrl + V


+ Z Ctrl + Z

Remove content from a cell


Choose fill color

+ O , S , O Alt + O , S , O

Close the contents of the cell

+ O , E , E Ctrl + O , E , E

Increase font size

+ ] Ctrl + ]


+ X Ctrl + X

Insert tab

+ B Alt + B

Page layout tab

+ C Alt + C

Data tab

+ D Alt + D

View tab

+ N Ctrl + N

Add borders

+ O , B , B Alt + O , B , B

Remove column

+ O , M , L , H Alt + O , M , L , H

In this way you will be able to work more quickly and easily when you use both programs, since you will be able to perform different functions with just pressing two keys on your keyboard.

by (3.5m points)

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