+5 votes
Fixed error where capture card does not work on PS5

in PlayStation by (552k points)
reopened | 175 views

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If you're planning on doubling your new PS5 with an Elgato capture card for streaming, or even any other recording device, you might find the operation more complicated than you expect..

For some reason, all PlayStation consoles come with built-in hardware and software to prevent capture cards from working outside of their intended use, certainly to prevent recording of DVDs or other protected media.

On the other hand, it is still possible to use a capture card by tweaking the options. Here is how to operate:

  1. Go to the Home menu
  2. Open options menu
  3. Open "System"
  4. Select "HDMI"
  5. Access the "Authorize HDCP" option and make sure it is not checked

Follow these steps, and you will be able to record content using an Elgato. But don't expect this to work on all games; Sony will not allow the use of certain games or applications when the option is not checked..

by (3.5m points)

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