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Netflix Party or how to watch the same series together

in Android Tutorial by (552k points)
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What is Netflix Party for?


Confinement, estrangement or transfer are situations conducive to ill-being. To fight against the lack of social life and have a good time together, genius developers have developed a Chrome extension that allows you to watch a movie or series at the same time with friends or family members. The tool also offers a chat system in order to remotely chat about what is happening in the movie as you would if you were sitting in the same room..

What is Netflix Party for?

The distance, the vagaries of modern life mean that it is not always possible to keep in touch with those close to you. But beware, long distance does not necessarily mean lack of social life. Know how to ignore the miles and be creative to continue spending time together.

When you start to miss your friends or family, why not throw a Netflix party. With the Netflix party extension, it is now possible to simultaneously watch a program on the streaming platform even if you are several hundred (or thousands) of kilometers away..

You choose the movie, series or show to watch, and the extension takes care of synchronizing the launch of the program on the different devices so that you can all watch the same thing at the same time. The launch is done simultaneously on all participants' screens.

The Netflix Party extension also offers you the possibility to pause the video, the time to get yourself a drink from the fridge. Your friends will then have to wait a few seconds, while you come back from the kitchen with your precious drink..

If you're the type who enjoys chatting while watching a series, the extension provides you with an online chat module. You will be able to give your opinion on the film and react to the games of the different actors. Below are two methods for watching Netflix on your TV.

by (3.5m points)

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