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How much data does Netflix consume when we watch a movie or series?

in Internet by (552k points) | 299 views

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How much data does Netflix use?
Save data on Netflix

One of the issues that we sometimes raise when we watch a series or movie on Netflix (especially when we use mobile data in question) is how much data, in megabytes and gigas, we consume in a session . This doubt we are going to solve it in a stroke.

How much data does Netflix use?

The following table clearly shows the megas and gigas consumed in each session.

Resolution Netflix estimates Our measurements  
Low (480p) 300MB per hour 200-350MB per hour
Medium (720p) 700MB per hour 650MB-750MB per hour
High (1080p) 3GB per hour 2.8GB-3.3GB per hour
1440p N / A 4.2GB per hour
4K (with and without HDR) 7GB per hour 6.5GB-11.5GB per hour

Interestingly, Netflix does not have data estimates for its 4K content with HDR , although it does say that 4K transmission consumes around 7GB per hour. However, Netflix  recommends a 25 Mbps connection for 4K HDR content . That's no  different than Netflix's recommendations for normal UHD , so we do not think so much additional data is needed for HDR compared to non-HDR content when you hit the 4K barrier.

Save data on Netflix

There are some ways to reduce the use of Netflix data from your PC, phone and, in some cases, your TV. The options are all very simple.

In your browser:

  • Log in to your Netflix account in any web browser.
  • Navigate to the account page  and then to  your Playback Settings  .
  • You can select between Auto, Low, Medium or High quality. You can also enable or disable the settings to play the next episode automatically.
  • Changes may take a while to take effect on your account.

On your mobile:

  • Open your Netflix application and navigate to the More tab at the bottom. Select the option Settings of the application from there.
  • Touch the video playback settings. You have four options, including Automatic (default), Wi-Fi only, Save data and Maximum data.
  • Automatic configuration balances good video quality with data usage and uses approximately 1 GB of data for every four hours of transmission. Wi-Fi only prevents Netflix from using its data plan and Save data restricts data usage to approximately 1 GB for every six hours of use  . The maximum data option uses as much data as humanly possible through Netflix.

On your TV:

This is a bit complicated but feasible. Roku, Android TV, Apple TV and Fire TV have configurations that restrict the resolution to 1080p and can eliminate all the use of additional data like 4K and HDR. Smart TVs usually have a separate Netflix application.


by (552k points)

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