+4 votes
APPS to show with colors how much battery is left (ex. 90% green, 10% red)

in Applications by (552k points)
reopened | 138 views

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Download from Google Play: Energy Bar , Energy Ring

The battery percentage in Android is very useful to determine the exact amount of battery that the cell phone has. However, there are also other ways to see what we have left of "energy" on the phone, much more "visual" and attractive than the percentage (although not as accurate). Through the use of colors, you can quickly warn when the battery is in a certain charge range..

There are apps to color the battery or what is left of it and two of them are those developed by the IJP programmer , baptized as Energy Bar and Energy Ring . With these applications you can configure that the battery has a color when it is at 100%, another color when it reaches 50%, a different color when it reaches 10%, etc. For example, you could use a combination like green (100% to 75%), yellow (75% to 50%), orange (50% to 25%), and red (25% to 0).

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As you can see in the images above, Energy Bar allows you to place a horizontal bar on the top edge of the screen (in the style of the progress bar on YouTube) and Energy Ring puts a colored ring around the hole of the camera that many bring Android cell phones today. This indicator will vary in color as the percentage established in its settings changes..

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The operation of both apps is quite simple. Just open and flip the switch at the top right. By default the app is already configured with the colors red, orange, blue, green and certain percentages. To change the percentages or segments you must play with the slider of each one, moving a little to the left. If you want to delete a segment, move the slider all the way to the left. To change the colors just tap on them.

In the settings you can also change other aspects, such as the location (in the case of the bar) or the rotation in the case of the ring, as well as configure the thickness of the indicator segment..

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Unfortunately, these types of apps do not work with the screen off or the Always On Display (AOD) screen of the Samsung Galaxy, because this could significantly drain the battery . In addition, they require accessibility permission on the phone, which gives them full control over it. Not that this is a problem with these particular apps. Other similar apps and many more with a totally different purpose require this permission to function properly. However, there are also apps like Power Line, which only need the "show on top of other apps" permission to work. That is, they are less invasive. If you just prefer to put a progress bar of battery and even of the use of CPU and signal, Power Line is better option. Unfortunately, the latter does not have the option of a ring. It is the only thing missing.

Download from Google Play: Energy Bar , Energy Ring

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