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5 Apps to Boost Wi-Fi Signal

in Android by (552k points)
reopened | 133 views

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Network cell info
WiFi Analyzer
IP Tools
Your router app

Buy a signal booster from a store
Dig into the settings
Check your smartphone antenna
Change operator

First, let's drop all empty hopes. It is not possible to artificially amplify the signal through the app. Most of the programs that promise you this simply turn on and off the mobile Internet or Wi-Fi, and also do other well-known frauds to restore the connection..

In other words, it is just a signal on / off switch, designed as an application. However, there are programs to help identify problems that you can fix yourself. You can read about them, as well as other ways to amplify the signal in this article.



GlassWire shows all of your device's network connections, as well as all the data it sends and receives. This will be useful for those with low data rates but good signal strength..

GlassWire can help you detect applications that abuse your data. This will not tell you what is dropping the signal, but it can tell you exactly what is slowing down and using uncoordinated connections. We recommend starting your "exploration" with GlassWire, the free version of which allows you to view all the data used by installed applications.

Network cell info


Network Cell Info helps you find the nearest cell tower. There can be many reasons for a bad signal, including the distance to the tower. Network Cell Info shows the location of the towers so you can see how far away they are. It supports GSM, and also knows how to work with two SIM cards..



OpenSignal is a lot like Network Cell Info. It shows the nearest 3G, 4G / LTE and 5G towers. However, it also works with Wi-Fi networks. In other words, OpenSignal can find anything it can connect to.

The app can be called the best for several reasons. The main reason is that OpenSignal compares signals from the four main operators in Russia and determines which one works best in your apartment. There is also a coverage map showing the signal strength. All in all, there are really a lot of features here that allow you to identify the cause of the slow network, which makes this application one of the best.

WiFi Analyzer


There are many Wi-Fi analyzers for your smartphone. We prefer WiFi Analyzer because it is: intuitive, updated frequently and does a good job.

WiFi Analyzer shows signal strength not only in your home, but also from nearby homes. You will have a complete understanding of network congestion. Thanks to this, it will be possible to configure your router to transfer data over less congested channels, which can solve the problem with the Internet speed. Supports 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz networks.

IP Tools


There are several applications of this type in the Play Store, but we chose IP Tools for an affordable price and great functionality. It has many functions such as port scanner, wifi scanner, DNS lookup, host IP converter.

The functionality here is wider than in standard network tools on a smartphone, so it will be easier to understand why the network does not work as it should (at least Wi-Fi). The professional version is purchased once for $ 3.

Your router app


Many modern  Linksys , Netgear , TP-Link and other OEMs have their own applications that are very useful as they can help in managing settings. For example, I have a Linksys router and I used the official application to change DNS to instead of the default one, which can speed up website loading.

Buy a signal booster from a store


Sometimes the only assistant can be only additional equipment. An amplifier is a piece of equipment that you install in your home. It receives a signal from the OEM and stabilizes it. Most online home appliances stores have such devices.

Usually amplifiers are not very expensive, and you can get help to install it if you don't know how to do it correctly. This will help convert any weak signal in your home, but won't work outside or around it.

Dig into the settings

Sometimes the smartphone may have settings that interfere with the signal. For example, in my area, 5G coverage is rather weak. I turn off 5G and the network switches to the much more powerful 4G LTE. This not only conserves battery power, but also speeds up the download speed. This is what you can try. Many devices allow switching between 5G and 4G LTE.

Also, if your home has a 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz connection, check if you are connected to that one. However, this is a very general recommendation, as different devices have different settings. For example, Samsung devices can download files simultaneously via Wi-Fi and mobile internet to increase download speeds. Compared to Samsung, the download speed of many devices may seem slow due to the lack of such a feature.

We advise you to carefully rummage through the network and Wi-Fi settings on your phones to find the appropriate settings. Do not worry, this way you will not do any harm, however, it is better to take a screenshot of the settings that were set initially, so that if something happens, you can return to them.

Check your smartphone antenna

Some devices simply have weaker antennas. Interestingly, the ZTE Axon 7 has a weaker signal than the LG V20. At the same time, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ has a stronger signal than the LGV60 (one bar). The device's modem is connected to the SoC, so every Snapdragon 865 device uses the same modem.

However, the fact that one smartphone picks up the network worse than the other is due to many factors, for example, the design of the device and the antenna. There is little you can do with this, except that you change your smartphone or purchase a signal amplifier. Usually the difference is not that great, but if this is combined with initially poor internet, then it is worth considering.

Change operator

In some cases, it is quite difficult to fix the slow internet speed in any way. For example, this applies to people who spend most of their time on the basement floors. Or those who live in places deprived of cell towers. Or maybe the matter is in the materials of the house, which poorly transmit the signal. In this case, the only option is to look for an alternative operator.

If you have a really good operator, but there are too few towers in your place of residence, then what to do? This happens often with all operators. Some areas have weaker signals due to less focus on them. For a more reliable internet connection, it is worth taking a look at the coverage map in your area using the OpenSignal app described above to select the one that suits you best.

by (3.5m points)

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