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Why messages in Tik Tok do not work

in Tik Tok instructions by (552k points)
reopened | 159 views

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Why you can't send messages in TikTok
How to restore access to messages in Tik Tok
How to avoid losing access to Direct TikTok

The TikTok correspondence raises questions from platform newbies. The functionality of emails is not entirely clear when it comes to losing access to them. If you are faced with such a problem, in the article you can find the reasons and solutions..

Why you can't send messages in TikTok

After losing access to correspondence, users often try to find a solution, but it is important to first investigate the reasons.

This is why emails on TikTok may disappear:

  1. The user has limited the number of people who can write to him, or completely banned from doing it.
  2. You are under the age of 16. New TikTok rules prohibit users under 16 from using direct.
  3. You have violated community guidelines and the system has restricted your actions. The direct time period will be closed.

If these reasons are not suitable for your situation, please restart the app or smartphone. Sometimes the system slows down, so it does not load the platform sections..


When you go from a laptop or computer to the network version of TikTok, you will not be able to write letters. To do this, you need to install the application on your PC or go into it through your phone.

How to restore access to messages in Tik Tok

If another user limits the number of people who can write to him, or has made the account private, you can change the situation. To do this, write in the comments to the video, if they are open, so that the TikToker will open the direct. The result depends on whether the person agrees..

When a user partially restricts access, you can write to him if he subscribes to your account.

You cannot write to other users if you are not 16. In this case, re-registration in Tik Tok will help. First, you will have to specify a different date of birth for the function to open.


It is better not to deceive the moderators, because there is a chance to get into the Tik Tok block forever. Then you will lose access to the platform permanently, without the possibility of recovery.

Emails may not be available if you are in a block or shady bath. This happens when you violate the TikTok community guidelines.

To work around the problem, you will have to wait a period of time, which should be indicated in the letter from the administration. If the message has not arrived, write to the TikTok moderators yourself, but do not write many times. So you will spam, and for this the admins can worsen the conditions for you.


How to avoid losing access to Direct TikTok

If you don't want Tik Tok messages to stop sending, follow the behavior on the platform. Study the rules and guidelines so as not to break them out of ignorance.

Often users make the following mistakes:

  • spam in TikTok messages or comments;
  • release provocative videos that users send complaints about;
  • use foul language, communicate on forbidden topics in comments and correspondence;
  • support through their content the activities and opinions of criminal gangs;
  • violate the laws of the Russian Federation or other countries;
  • humiliate, call names, agitate people to do immoral things.

Try not to make these mistakes, and then you will not lose access to messages in TikTok and will be able to comfortably spend time on the platform.

by (3.5m points)

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