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How to remove blue popcorn from WhatsApp?

in Applications by (552k points)
reopened | 205 views

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Take away my blue popcorn and keep the other person's?
Should I remove or keep read receipts?

For several years now, the read messages function can be activated in the WhatsApp messaging app . It means that you can tell when the other person has read a message from you, by the two blue popcorn that appear next to that message. At first glance it seems like a very good thing to know if someone has already seen your messages. However, its great disadvantage is that by activating this feature the other person will also know when you have read their messages..

To remove these blue popcorn in WhatsApp you must open the app, touch the button with three dots on the top right and select Settings, Account, Privacy. There you will find the option "Read receipts". Verify that the switch is off (slid to the left or grayed out). So the other person will not know when you have read their messages (only gray popcorn will appear). The downside to this is that gray popcorn will also appear for you when someone has viewed your messages.

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Take away my blue popcorn and keep the other person's?

You wonder if there is any way that this option works only in your favor and not for the other person. That is, to know if they have read you but that the other does not know that you have read it. That is as simple as putting your cell phone in airplane mode. Only after this do you open the message and thus, while the cell phone is offline, the read confirmation will not be sent to the other phone. Of course, the problem is that if you reconnect the phone, the blue popcorn will be sent necessarily..


A better option to solve this problem without having to disconnect your phone is to install an app like « Hide Double Tic «, which is the app that you should use whenever you want to go in to read the messages that have been sent to you, without both being sent blue popcorn to the other person. This application even prevents them from seeing you online while you view and reply to the messages received, something very useful even if you have disabled the blue ticks (so that they do not tell you things like "you are online and you do not reply to me").

Should I remove or keep read receipts?

This possibility of having to remove the blue popcorn or keep it is something that caused quite a few positive and negative reactions after its launch. If you do not deactivate the mobile Internet or use the indicated app, you find yourself in the dilemma of having to activate or deactivate them for all your conversations. You cannot choose this by chat, something that would be very useful. For example, if that were possible, you could deactivate the double checkbox for chatting with your partner, so that absurd discussions of the type "you read me and you did not answer me" are presented and keep them enabled for chats with "less pressure" such as of friends and family. For my part, I have them activated and I have not had the need to hide my blue popcorn every time I read messages. Sometimes I will be able to answer them at that time, sometimes not.Sometimes there is simply no answer. After all, at some point a conversation ends. This is something that many people find it difficult to do and for some reason they leave you gray indefinitely ( despite having read your messages ). It does not have to be wrong to let someone see you on certain occasions..

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by (3.5m points)

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