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How to make voice acting with the voice of a robot in Tik Tok

in Installation in Tik Tok by (552k points)
reopened | 196 views

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How to add voiceovers to a video by a robot
How to set up voiceovers for videos via ZVUKOGRAM
How to add a robot voice to a video on your phone
How to promote videos with voice acting in Tik Tok

To make your videos look expert and professional on your profile, you can add voiceovers to them. You can do it yourself if you record your voice separately or add the robot's voice to TikTok..

To add your own voice, you just need to record the text for the video and use the ZVUKOGRAM service. We will analyze the functionality and method of working with the platform in more detail in the article.

How to add voiceovers to a video by a robot

On the Zvukogram platform, you can make a robot voice for your Tik Tok video in a couple of clicks. The voice can be made feminine, masculine, robotic. The service has many options for voices, the speed of voice acting for TikTok, as well as types of timbre - from high to lowest..

To get started, you need to register. For this:

1. Go to the ZVUKOGRAM website and tap on three menu bars.
2. Select the section with registration with the name "Guest".
3. Specify your mail and password - confirmation of registration will be sent to the mail.
4. When you confirm your mail, go to the service website, tap on the menu, select the "Speech Synthesizer" section and start working.


How to set up voiceovers for videos via ZVUKOGRAM

To create voice acting, you need to choose a suitable voice - it can be male, female in various versions. You also need to choose the language in which you will voice the video for TikTok..

In addition, you can configure settings for voice speed and voice pitch. When you have made your choice, enter your text in the box below.


If you need pauses, you can put hyphens with a period between sentences - then the bot will make stops in speech. After adding the text, listen to the voice acting for Tik Tok, which you got - if you don't like the result, choose another voice and check again.

In the free version of the service, you can use only part of the votes, but when paying for the tariff (from 100 rubles) you can see other options, they are of higher quality and more interesting.

This is suitable for people looking for a truly professional voiceover - the free options can sound more robotic. Once you've done the voice acting, go down below and download it.

You will be wondering: how to connect two sounds in Tik Tok.

How to add a robot voice to a video on your phone

To combine audio with a video track, you can use the Inshot or CapCut application - both utilities are free. To create a full-fledged video, use this instruction:

  1. Go to the app and create a new project.
  2. Add your video clip.
  3. In the panel under the video, find the sound icon and insert the voiceovers for Tik Tok.
  4. Adjust it to sync with the clip.
  5. Check the video and save to your phone. Also, you can immediately publish it in Tik Tok through the application.


TikTok profiles are maintained not only by ordinary people, but also by companies with experts. Through the platform, they promote their product or service.

Sometimes for such videos it is inconvenient to use your own voice acting, but it is needed. In such situations, the Zvukogram service is suitable - you can dub the video without recording a voice.

Also, if you want to record cool videos, but you do not have a microphone, and the phone's microphone records with noise. Then you can turn to the ZVUKOGRAM service and create high-quality voice acting for Tik Tok.

You will be wondering: how to cut music in Tik Tok.

How to promote videos with voice acting in Tik Tok

It's not enough to use high-quality voice acting - the content needs to be promoted. And you don't have to pay for ads to do this. You can:

  • use hashtags that other users use in Tik Tok recommendations - for example, # rivers, #fyp, #fyr, # correspondence, # global recommendations, and so on.
  • use viral sound - if you see that a video with some interesting sound has flown on the platform, use it for your video. If the sound is copyrighted, first ask permission from the author,
  • participate in challenges - companies and brands launch their own hashtags to promote them. Videos with them are often included in recommendations, so stay tuned for current Tik Tok challenges and place hashtags of companies or brands in the video.

These little tricks will help you get more views for any clip and become a popular Tiktoker with great content.

by (3.5m points)

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