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Tik Tok Trends November 2021

in Promotion in Tik Tok by (552k points)
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Song Library from Tik Tok
Ideas for I'm an Accountant at Tik Tok
Dance "Hey girl, in the 16th row" in Tik Tok
Frederic oddloop フ レ デ リ ッ ク 「オ ド ル ー プ」 in Tik Tok
Rockwell trend - Somebody's Watching Me in Tik Tok

TikTok's trends change quickly - often in a month viral videos become irrelevant and sometimes annoy users..

To promote your Tik Tok account and gain an audience, you need to be aware of all the new trends. Somewhere they can be repeated, somewhere they can be played up with an idea in order to create something new. In the article, we will analyze what TikTok trends will be in November 2021.

Song Library from Tik Tok

At the end of October, the sound about the library went viral in Ukrainian. It was used in many videos, but more often it was some classmates or classmates who had a really beautiful appearance, albeit a “librarian” style..

Therefore, under this sound, you can shoot something like that - familiar with an interesting appearance - or do edits with characters from whom the library "vibe" emanates.

Ideas for I'm an Accountant at Tik Tok

This sound appeared thanks to the foreign Tik Tok - in which it was popular several years ago. Usually, dancers from clubs were filmed for it, who were tired of repeating how they make money, so they say that they are accountants..

For a similar topic, sound is now used in Russia: for example, the hero of the video does not behave like others, and in order not to explain for a long time or to avoid questions, he says that he is doing something.


One example: a mother says that she does not spoon feed her baby. But because of frequent questions, she simply says that she does not care about the child. After all, this is easier than explaining something for a long time to a person with a different outlook on life and upbringing.

Dance "Hey girl, in the 16th row" in Tik Tok

Another popular sound, under which video is shot on social networks, is the phrase of Anton Shastun from the Improvisation show. During the broadcast, he said in the form of a melody: “Hey girl, in the 16th row. How do you do?".

The phrase was processed and designed in the form of a melody - it is used in different clips for the background. There is no specific format for videos with such sound.

Frederic oddloop フ レ デ リ ッ ク 「オ ド ル ー プ」 in Tik Tok

The melody appeared long ago in TikTok - in Russia it was rarely filmed for it, but in Japan last year it was a real trend. From the video to the song, the heroes of the videos took movements and danced on their videos. Now this sound has gone viral in Russia as well.


To shoot a clip for it, it is enough to memorize the movements, but it is better to additionally come up with a plot or a joke for the video. For example, to sign the video “When life loses its meaning, but you suddenly turn on this song” and dance on Tik Tok on it to the sound.

Rockwell trend - Somebody's Watching Me in Tik Tok

Another actual sound that is more often used in edits. The translation of the main phrase from the song is: "I constantly feel that someone is looking at me."

If you have come across characters with similar circumstances, for example, when they are being watched, you can create an interesting edit from the frames.


If you don't have any ideas, you can just use this sound as a background - show how you paint or dress somewhere. Of course, if you have a good imagination, you yourself can come up with a plot for a video with such a message.

But here you have to prepare costumes, make-up and think over the behavior of your characters. It will be especially difficult if you shoot everything yourself. But on the other hand, original videos with a cool idea for Tik Tok, when there is nothing to shoot, can collect millions of views.

by (3.5m points)

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