Have you bought something from Vinted and now want to rate your purchase? We'll explain how to do this in our post..
Vinted, formerly also known as Kleiderkreisel, is a free online platform where you can sell, swap and buy used clothing. To help others make better buying decisions, you can leave reviews. So you can easily share how you found a seller and their product and share your experience.
Leaving feedback is important for both buyers and sellers because it builds trust between Vinted members and allows others to protect themselves from dubious sellers. If you want to rate someone at Vinted, however, you can only do so in a short time window immediately after a purchase. You can then see the " Rate " button in the chat with the seller . But only if the seller still has the item sold in his catalog. If this has already been marked as " passed on " and is therefore no longer in the catalog, you will no longer see the " Rate " button. If you click " Rate. " " If you have clicked, you can give a desired number of stars between 1 and 5. If you were very dissatisfied, only give one star, if you have had very good experiences with the seller you might even give five stars. Besides this Ranking you can also add a comment to your rating and let others know what you particularly noticed.
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