Would you like to encrypt your WiFi network correctly and thus secure it from the outside world? We show you how it works..
When setting up a WiFi network, be sure to encrypt it. Otherwise it is accessible to everyone within easy reach and your private data could easily be intercepted. In our tips + tricks article, we will show you which encryption methods are safe and which methods you should avoid.
The options for WLAN security can be found in the settings of your router . To do this, connect to your router's WiFi network. When you connect the router for the first time or have reset it to the factory settings, you will usually find the login data on the underside of your router. You can look up how to get to the router's configuration page in the router's manual . Alternatively, you can also try directly to enter the IP address or in the address line of your browser . The configuration pages differ from router to router . In the following we explain to you which steps you can use to increase the security of your WLAN and which settings you have to make for it:
Conclusion : First change the router's SSID and use WPA2 in combination with a long password . You should then deactivate WPS in the router settings.
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