+3 votes
Change your Amazon password - this is how it works

in Security by (552k points)
reopened | 115 views

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How to change your Amazon account password
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
5th step:
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
Quick start guide: Desktop
Quick guide: App

Simply change your Amazon password for Prime, Shopping and more in just a few steps..

image image

Image: <span> Eric Broder Van Dyke / Shutterstock.com </span>

You control many things with your Amazon account: from your online purchases to what you watch and listen to on Prime Video or Music. Your payment details are also stored there. It is therefore important to secure the account well - and your password is the key to that. If you feel that your Amazon password is not secure enough, you can easily change it in the app or in the browser.

How to change your Amazon account password


Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .

1st step:

Open Amazon in your browser and move your mouse pointer over the " Account and Lists " menu . Then click on the " My Account " entry .

2nd step:

Then select " Sign in and security ".

3rd step:

Now click on the " Edit " button behind " Password ".

4th step:

Then enter your current password and then set a new password. You can read here how to find a secure password. Then click on " Save Changes ".

5th step:

You have then successfully changed your password.

Smartphone app

Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..

1st step:

Open the Amazon app on your smartphone and tap on the symbol with the man at the bottom of the screen . Then tap on " My Account o".

2nd step:

Now tap on " Registration and Security ". Depending on your security settings, you may have to log in with your password to confirm your identity.

3rd step:

Then tap the " Edit " button under " Password ".

4th step:

Now enter your current password and then set a new password. Here are tips for creating a strong password. Then tap " Save Changes " to save the new password.

Quick start guide: Desktop

  1. On Amazon, hover over " Account & Lists " at the top, then select " My Account ".
  2. Then click on " Login and Security ".
  3. Now go to " Edit " after " Password ".
  4. Then enter your current password and then set a new password. Here are a few tips for creating a strong password.
  5. Then click " Save Changes " to save your new password.

Quick guide: App

  1. Open the app on your smartphone, select the symbol with the man below and tap on " My Account ".
  2. Now select " Registration and Security ".
  3. Then tap on " Edit " under " Password ".
  4. Then enter your current password and set a new password. Here you can read how to create a strong password.
  5. Then tap on " Save changes " to change the password.

by (3.5m points)

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