+5 votes
apply for a birth certificate online

in Tips & Tricks by (552k points)
reopened | 102 views

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Via the website of the responsible registry office
Via a private company

Would you like to apply for a birth certificate online and save yourself the trip to the registry office? We'll show you how it works..

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When you need a new birth certificate, the application process can be stressful at times. Above all, the opening times of the registry office cannot always be optimally combined with your own working hours. But that's not a problem: you can also order birth certificates online. These will usually be sent to you by post.

Via the website of the responsible registry office

Many registry offices, especially those in large cities, now offer an online service for applying for important documents. In addition to birth certificates, this also includes other information from the birth register. To do this, simply visit the website of your responsible registry office - in the case of a birth certificate, the registry office of the city of birth. Note that there will be fees for applying for a new birth certificate. Below we have compiled a list of websites where you can apply for a birth certificate online. You may have to scroll through the respective websites to open the online application form. If your city or your area of ​​responsibility is not listed, you should simply search online for " Register office [city name] Apply for birth certificate online ". You will usually find it quickly, especially for cities with large numbers of inhabitants. Make sure, however, that it is the official website of the city and not a private company.

Via a private company

There are some companies that take care of all of the birth certificate applications. But caution is advised here: In addition to the fees that are charged by the registry office for a certificate, you also have to pay for the company's service. Even if some companies advertise with favorable conditions such as "only shipping costs" or "7 € for the service", hidden costs often appear. In addition, on some websites you cannot see the costs before the order process. So if your responsible registry office does not offer the service on the official website of the city, you should perhaps take the trip to the office to be on the safe side..

by (3.5m points)

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