Would you like to show a Schufa self-assessment but not spend any money on it? We'll show you how..
As a rule, SCHUFA information costs money. But that doesn't have to be mandatory! There is also a very simple way of obtaining free information - without any tricks or cheating. This free SCHUFA information is not as extensive as a complete SCHUFA credit report, but it is still sufficient to confirm to the landlord, for example, that in the best case there are no Schufa entries.
Thanks to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced in 2016, companies are obliged to provide the consumer with a summary of the data stored about you once a year, if requested. Since the data collected by SCHUFA provides information about your creditworthiness, you can receive SCHUFA information without having to pay for it. You will then receive this by post. And this is how you apply for the data copy (according to Art. 15 GDPR):
But be careful: This SCHUFA information mainly gives your SCHUFA score. For some employers or landlords, this might not be enough and you still have to order a fee-based variant for your self-disclosure. Please also note that you can only request real SCHUFA information via the official SCHUFA website. If you have the opportunity to receive extensive SCHUFA information "free of charge" from another site, it is usually fraud. You will then not pay with money, but with your data - and you will probably still not receive any information.
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