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How to make the Google Assistant read a web page?

in Guides by (552k points)
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How to make Google Assistant read for you?

  • Having the Google Assistant read a web page for you is an excellent way out in more than one case.
  • Thinking of people with visual difficulties, or those who have to perform several tasks simultaneously, asking Google Assistant to read for you is something that you will value on a day-to-day basis

While it is true that normally we will prefer to read the contents of an Internet site on our own, there will also be some exceptions in which we would like to take advantage of advances in technology to do so. Eventually, if you have poor eyesight or can't focus too much on the screen, you can always turn to innovation. So, discover how to make the Google Assistant read a page ..

In effect, we are talking about a function that is not original to Google Assistant, but was added by the North American firm during its presentation at CES 2020, and whose purpose is to allow Android device users to be the assistant of voice of La Gran G who reads the contents of the portals .

In other words, although there are numerous applications that claim to provide a "we read it for you" style solution, when these answers come from the operating system developer himself, this is an advantage..

How to make Google Assistant read for you?

Before I can do you this favor, you must learn how to configure Android so that it can read your texts aloud. Once this initial procedure is finished, the next thing to do is go directly to the tutorial that we care about today.

  • Open Google Chrome on your Android and enter the web page that you want the Assistant to read for you
  • Say Hey Google to get the attention of the Google Assistant, activating it
  • Ask him to read the text on that page to do so

A good recommendation in this regard is that you always work with Google's own browser, Chrome . This has to do, again, with the integration between Google products is always more efficient..

In addition, there are other browsers that have additional functions in terms of security and privacy that will prevent the Google Assistant from being able to read the text of a portal on the Internet.

Likewise, Google will be prevented from having your voice assistant read the content of those pages whose contents are only accessible upon payment of a subscription or membership . You must not forget it.



You can be sure that, especially when it comes to texts of a certain length, having the Google Assistant read a web page for you is a one way way. Once you get used to it, you will no longer be able to do without it . It may not make much sense in short texts. But without they are too long, it is a great solution.

If it is a reading in another language, you can change the voice and language of the Google Assistant on your mobile.

by (3.5m points)

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