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How to restore Samsung Galaxy Home icons?

in Android by (552k points) | 224 views

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Recover samsung icons

I have disappeared the contact and call icons of my samsung galaxy s in the initial screen. To recover them you have to click on applications, then with the right button to edit and with the option edit enabled you can download icons to the bar below.

Also if you have a higher version of samsung smartphone, from the upper right side of the screen, you can click on show hidden applications and this will show the icons of those apps that are hidden or have disappeared, such as icon of messages, contacts, ... we press it with the finger on the icon and drag to where we like to have it. This last form was commented to us by a reader of the blog in the comments area and we think it is good to rescue it because it can help you recover your icons of lost applications.

Another possible solution to the loss of icons, is the one posed by the company Samsung aware of this problem for the case of the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S Edge mobile is as follows:

First access the phone, the main menu and access the Samsung application store, Galaxy Apps.

Search and download the Quickpanel Restore application (this is a specific application created by the company itself to solve this problem of disappearing icons and is responsible for restoring the icons).

When executing the application, it presents a single button where Restore is indicated and when clicking on the button, the icons will be restored to their original state. Once this process is done, you can uninstall the application because it has fulfilled its purpose.

Update how to restore home icons on the screen of a samsung (March 2017)

If we have lost icons of the home screen and we want to recover them we can do it in the following way:

We access settings ( settings ), we go to applications and in applications we can access an option called   Application Manager Application Manager) , if we click we will see all the applications listed, but not the system applications, if what we want is see all the applications, what we should do is click MAS and we will open the option to show system applications, we select this option.

Once we have all the applications listed, proceed to do the following, scroll down and locate the application called Home TouchWiz (Home touchwiz)  , click on it and we will open the application data with options:

Storage, use of data, permissions, notifications, set as default, battery and memory along with icons to deactivate and force stop, we must first access storage, and we click on delete data (we will warn you that all data of this application will be permanently deleted, including all files, settings, accounts, databases, etc ...) as we want to start from scratch we click on clear and delete cache and return to the previous screen, after this we do a force arrest , it will indicate us that errors could be caused and even then we continue.

We click on the start button and we will have recovered the initial configuration of our samsung.


by (552k points)

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