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Snapchat: what do the whole numbers mean?

in Apps / software by (552k points)
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The snapscore explained
Other numbers: Snapchat streaks

Wondering what the numbers mean that you find all over the Snapchat user interface? We'll tell you here..

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Snapchat is one of the most popular social media apps in the world and it's getting new users all the time. A common source of confusion for new users is the numbers that can be seen all over the Snapchat user interface. If you want to know what they mean, read on.

The snapscore explained

Let's start at the very beginning. The first place to look is on your profile page. Load this up by tapping the small picture of your Snapchat avatar in the top left corner of the screen. Once you've loaded this ad, you'll see all sorts of information. Above your name is your Snapcode, which you can use to easily share your Snapchat contact information. You can also see your Snapchat score and an icon here that shows your zodiac sign.


Your Snapscore is a number that serves as some kind of performance of how well you are using Snapchat. Put simply, the more you use Snapchat, the more points you get. The concept is simple, but the exact rules for the points system have not yet been disclosed by Snapchat. Below you can see what can affect the Snapscore:

  • Sending and receiving Snaps is usually equivalent to one point each, with some Snaps occasionally earning more points.
  • Sending Snaps to multiple people at once doesn't earn more points.
  • Publishing a story on Snapchat increases your score by one point.
  • Viewing and sending chats does not seem to affect your score.
  • Viewing other people's stories also has no effect.

However, it is impossible to determine exactly how the score will be calculated beyond sending and receiving snaps.

But why do these points exist at all? Very simple: The Snapscore is there to encourage you to snap and to fuel a competition between you and other Snapchat users. What you might not know either: A quick tap on your Snapchat score shows two new numbers: Your number of snaps sent or received..


What about your friends' Snapchat scores? Of course, you can also see your friends' snapscore. Simply swipe right from the camera display to open the chat display within Snapchat. All of your contacts will now be listed in this display. Here you simply tap on the profile picture of the desired contact to open the information display. Then you will see the Bitmoji, the username and the milestones achieved, as well as the Snapscore.


Other numbers: Snapchat streaks

Swipe right from the camera screen to open the chat interface. Again, there are usually a number of numbers here. Those numbers on the right side of your contacts? These are your streak numbers that keep track of how many days in a row you've snapped back and forth with a user. By default, there is a flame emoji behind this number. This can be changed in the settings under " Design individual emoji "..


by (3.5m points)

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