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How to Promote Instagram Reels

in Socialmedia by (552k points)
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1 How to promote Free Instagram Reels
2 How to promote paid Instagram Reels

As we have already learned, Instagram Reels have a greater reach within the social network simply because they are this type of content, which means that if we want to publicize our profile, brand or business, it is preferable to opt for the realization of this one. type of format compared to other content that Instagram offers us within its social network..


In any case, Instagram now gives us the chance to give our Reels an extra boost in terms of reach and visibility by promoting them from their app.


Although there are many ways to promote Reels on Instagram, in this section of the course we are going to focus on those that we can do without making a financial investment and those that we can do from Instagram making a monetary investment. For this reason, in this section we are going to explain how to promote in Reels in both ways:

  • How to Promote Free Instagram Reels
  • How to Promote Paid Instagram Reels
Now that you know what this section of the course is going to deal with, it is important that you know what benefits you can get by promoting your Reel on Instagram.


Benefits of promoting an Instagram Reel



  • Your Reels will have greater recognition.
  • Your Reels will have a much greater reach than organically.
  • Through your Reels, you will direct people to your Instagram profile.
  • More people will reproduce and view your Reel.
  • If you are a company, it is a way to make yourself known to more customers.
  • If you have a sales objective, thanks to the payment promotion in Reels, you can get people to download an App, visit your website or even buy a product.
  • If you are a business, you can also get potential customers to contact you through Private Messages.


You should know that some of these benefits will only be obtained with the paid promotions in Reels.


1 How to promote Free Instagram Reels

As we have already mentioned, there are several actions thanks to which we can promote our Instagram Reel but that will not involve an economic outlay. This would consist of the options that Instagram itself gives us to give our Reel a boost so that it reaches more people and when this happens, therefore, more people view our Instagram Reel.


Some of these free actions that you can carry out to promote Instagram Reels are the following that we are going to explain below:


Use the right hashtags



The placement of the hashtags is going to be a fundamental aspect, since thanks to them we will make more people who still did not know us reach our Reel. Depending on the number of accounts that use the hashtag, we can classify them as follows:

  • Hashtags lowtags: (Less than 50k posts) They are ideal for bringing users closer to your content.
  • Hashtags midtags (hashtags between 50k – 100k): Ideal for positioning, since they can generate visibility by combining them with lowtags.
  • The goodtags (hashtags between 100k – 1M): You can get a more segmented audience, but you can use them when you have already used the first two and get more interaction with viewers.
  • Finally, there are also the Bigtags. (1M hashtags): Hashtags are the strongest but at the same time very difficult to position. Like the previous one, you can use them when you have already handled the categories mentioned above.
If you want to know how to know the volume of each hashtag and how to place them in your Reels, don't miss this link where we tell you everything related to this aspect.



Include calls to action (CTA)



Calls to action are those that we carry out in order for the person on the other side of the screen to carry out the action that we want immediately: an interaction, a download, a purchase, etc..


In any case, if we include a call to action in our Reel by planning an interaction and we get the people who are looking at our Reel to do it, we will be able to promote our Reel since on the one hand it will be shown organically to more people; and on the other hand we can ask in the CTA that people share the Reel with others, which will make it reach more people and therefore a greater visibility of it.


In any case, in this section we explain everything related and what you need to know about the different types of CTAs that you can add in Reels..



Synchronize texts and audios



When we synchronize text with audio in some certain words in our Reel, we are placing special emphasis on them and making them more attractive in the eyes of the viewers. In this sense, we will be doing a promotion of something (it can be an account, a brand, a product...) using our Reel and without having to spend any money. But for this you must know the procedure to perform.


Precisely in this link we explain how to make the text appear and disappear in an Instagram Reel in the areas that we want:


Include the brand, logo or product that we want to show in our Reel



The same video of the Reel is a form of advertising and promotion in itself, since through a video, a small tutorial, etc., we can show a product or how our brand or service can help a person.


The possibilities are endless, and this will depend a lot on how your profile is focused. In this link we explain how to use an Instagram Reel if you are a business or company.



2 How to promote paid Instagram Reels

The other option we are faced with will be to promote the Instagram Reels through a payment method, which will help us to promote the Reel in the sense that we want within the options that the Instagram application offers us. .


But first of all we are going to indicate what requirements a Reel must meet so that we can put a paid promotion on it.


Requirements that a Reel must meet to be able to promote it
  • They have to last less than 60 seconds.
  • They have to have a 9:16 size ratio, that is, they must be recorded vertically and full screen.
  • At the moment, Reels that use third-party intellectual property (music, Stickers, etc.) cannot be promoted.
  • Reels that have been shared on Facebook cannot be promoted.


Now, when you have verified that your Reel meets all the requirements that we have mentioned, you will be ready to make a paid promotion for it. For this, the steps to follow are the ones that we will indicate below:


Step 1

Click on the Instagram Reels tab and here you will see all the Reels you have published, in the grid click on the Reel you want to promote.




Step 2

Click on the 3-dot icon that appears on the right side of the Reel along with the other options.




Step 3

Now, select the "Promote Reel" option, which is marked in blue on this screen.




Step 4

Now select the objective you want to achieve with the Reel promotion by marking one of the 3 options that appear:


More visits to the profile
Select this option if your profile shows products, services, a portfolio or a brand.


This is the option you should choose if you want to send people to your profile, see more of your content, and start following you.

More website visits
This is the option that you must select if you want the people who are viewing the Reel to perform actions such as explore an Internet store, enter a website to obtain more information about an event or sign up for a special offer or mailing list.
By choosing this option, you will be able to select call-to-action buttons such as “More information” or “Buy”

more messages
Select this option if you are a business that offers services and you want potential clients to ask you for information about requests, appointments or inquiries.


If you select this objective, include a question or conversation starter in your ad text. This will encourage interaction.


Once you have selected the option that best suits your needs, click “Next”.




step 5

Now you must select the audience of the ad, that is, to whom we want it to be shown. Here you have several options:


Special Ad Category
Here you must indicate if your ads deal with issues of credit, employment, housing or social issues, elections or politics. You can select multiple options at once.




If you select this option, Instagram will target people with similar profiles to your followers, who have engaged with your content, or who are interested in seeing more of your ad.





create your own
If you select this option you will select the audience you want the Reel to go to manually. Here you will have to enter the following information:
  • Name of the audience: Name that you give to this profile that you are going to create
  • Locations: Where these people are (countries, cities…)
  • Interests: Hobbies or things that this profile likes.
  • Age : Enter male or female and the age range you want to cover.
Turning on the “Targeting expansion” tab at this point will show your ad to people outside of these options, but this will likely improve performance.




step 6

Now you will have to set the budget and duration of the promotion. In the upper part, the daily budget and in the lower part you can establish that it is cut when you pause it or the days that you want the promotion to last.


By doing this, the estimated reach will appear at the top according to the promotion provided.


Once done, click on "Next":




step 7

Finally, on the last screen you can see the following:


Ad Preview
Here you will be able to see by clicking on the options how your ad will look in the sections
  • News
  • stories
  • Explore
  • Reels




Below will appear the information that you have already configured previously:

  • advertising objective
  • Audience
  • Budget and duration
  • Payment: Here you will have to add the type of currency you want to be charged and if you want to pay by card or PayPal.
Once this is configured, you will only have to click on "Promote Reel".






With this, you already know the different methods to promote your Reel and the different ways to do it. Now, you just have to analyze what is the objective you are looking for and once established, select the best Reels promotion strategy that you can design.


In this way, in addition to achieving a greater reach with your Reels, you will be able to focus your work on the objective that you are pursuing with the multiple actions that the Instagram App contains. By following the free promotion strategies or the steps established to promote a Reel, you will surely get closer to these predefined objectives.

by (3.5m points)

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