It's very easy to open XLSX files on Android , it's not the best platform for editing Excel documents; but at least, it allows us to make quick edits and see some data. Therefore, from our mobile device we can view this class of files and make changes to it. Although we recommend a computer to make more complex modifications..
Google Sheets is the application that we are going to use to open this file format. It is a free alternative to Microsoft Excel that may not have as many advanced options as the latter; It has countless features that manage to make it an extremely interesting option, ideal for mobile devices.
How to open XLSX files on Android
It is possible to open XLSX files on Android thanks to Google Sheets (some devices already have it pre-installed). If this is not the case, we simply proceed to download it from the Play Store. Alternatively, we can download Microsoft Excel for Android , which works in the same way..
In order to open XLSX files on Android, we will have to download Google Sheets from the store . Once installed on our device, we will have to open the XLSX file that we need.
For example, maybe they sent us the file via email or shared it on Slack, Google Drive, etc. In this case, we will receive an attached XLSX file..
We download the attached file, open it in our Google Files folder in the Documents and others section.
Once we open the XLSX file, a message will appear with the option to open it in Google Sheets, so we will press the button.
Next, we will have to allow Google Sheets to access the media on our device, in case we did not already give it the necessary permissions.
Now we should have access to the Excel spreadsheet (in XLSX format) we can read it and make small edits if necessary.
With Google Sheets installed on the device, we will be able to open any kind of XLSX file on Android from anywhere. We can even do it from Google Drive, for example.
If editing permissions are enabled, it is possible to make changes to the spreadsheet.