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The content and importance of keywords and SEO

in SEO by (552k points)
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1 Importance of good content for a company or brand
2 SEO and Content Marketing
3 What to keep in mind when creating content | Example

We know that content is the king of the web and that currently we can search for almost anything, since we are going to have better or worse results, but thousands of results in the search engine. But why is it important for content marketing?


It is of great importance today to create quality content so that users learn about our products or services or so that they can solve their problems. Content marketing is undoubtedly one of the most used marketing strategies since it is a way for companies to connect with their customers and also have more visibility in the market. Furthermore, it is no secret that the access we have today to any information is becoming easier, since the connections are better and we can also access it from any of our mobile or portable devices as well as from the PC..


Content creation continues to be essential for any company or brand that wants to position itself powerfully in a market that is increasingly competitive and in which millions of pages fight to position themselves in the first search engine results every day. Thanks to the creation of this content, any company has the possibility of connecting with its audience in a closer way, also offering answers to its questions, and generating trust in it through this relationship.


The importance of creating content in marketing has been increasing over the years, since as we say, easy access has increased the interest of users, either for their own use or to share it with others in many of the cases..


First of all you must understand and understand what content marketing is. Do not miss the first chapter of the TechnoWikis content marketing course, in which you will be able to learn everything that this term houses and what its uses are.




But of course, just like in love, not everything goes, so in order for our content to be well positioned and useful for our clients or users, it must follow a series of quality and execution criteria when creating it. In addition, we must understand what value it has for any company or brand, the great importance of keywords and SEO during this process. Next, we are going to develop all this since you are surely wondering why should you use it? Here we go.


1 Importance of good content for a company or brand

Any self-respecting company that wants to be in the market and be competitive must undoubtedly carry out an effective content marketing strategy in order to position itself above its competitors. We must bear in mind that it is a growth method with which we are going to increase the presence of our audience through their active participation and this will make us generate more sales, which will be our final purpose, as well as attract potential customers and retain customers. that we already have


To understand this a little better, we are going to go point by point developing the importance and benefits of content creation for our company or brand, since content creation should be one of our priorities..




You will make yourself known and build trust with your audience
Thanks to a good content creation strategy, you will make your brand known as you will be able to reach more potential customers, and they will have more information about what you offer. In addition, this content will give the image of your brand that you want, by being able to transmit to your audience what you want to show. There is no doubt that it is a way of presenting yourself "in society" with which to conquer an audience that, if they do not know you, may fall into your networks thanks to valuing that the content you have offered them is of quality and interesting. for them.


With the creation of this content, you will also generate trust among your audience, since by connecting with them in a "disinterested" way at first, it will make the relationship that is established more stable and help it to remain for the long haul. over time.



Increase visibility with SEO
If the content we create is of quality, this will help us position ourselves above our competitors in the Search results, so we will be more visible to a greater number of users who have reached those searches.


That is why when creating content, it is important that we focus on how to do it and what our audience is looking for and the type of clients we want to get, so that we execute it correctly and do not waste time. If we analyze and apply our SEO strategy well to create content, we will be becoming more and more visible, and have more authority in the market compared to other brands in our same niche. This will make quality content help position a company as a leader in its industry.


Generate your own traffic to the website
Another of the benefits that content creation will provide us is that we will generate our own traffic for our website. This means that we are not going to depend on a third party for this, since users are going to directly enter our site to see it. In addition, we will have the opportunity to have more and more organic traffic, thanks to the increase in content that we include on the page, which in turn will make more people interested in our company or brand and learn about our products or services.


This will make our visitors want to stick around to read our content because they will discover that it is relevant to their interests and issues.


Recognition in social networks and engagement
Another of the positive aspects that creating content for our company offers us is that we will be more recognized on social networks and we will generate more interaction among users, by being able to comment on our publications and generate debates around our publications or posts that we can create. to encourage new customers to visit our page. The engagement and interaction with the audience will be our gateway so that we can create relationships with them and this will help us to have more visibility on social networks and to be better known.


In addition, the possibility of being able to involve users, through contests or surveys, for example, will help our content to be seen by them and thus, in turn, we will achieve a greater number of visits.


Generate more profit
​Thanks to the creation of content, we will also have greater benefits in the long term, since we will gradually get more visibility, which will be transformed over time into new purchases by these customers, who already have confidence in us. In addition, this content can "educate" customers during the purchase process, so they will feel accompanied and have any questions they may have about the product or service resolved. Well-crafted and relevant content can help potential customers make informed decisions and support the buying process. What is going to be achieved with all this is that the conversion rates increase.


Content marketing generates many more benefits for a company or brand, as we were able to see in the link in the first chapter of the course, as we have mentioned previously, but these are the ones that focus more directly on what content creation would be.


2 SEO and Content Marketing

It is important that we know and understand that, in order to carry out an effective content marketing strategy, we have to base ourselves on the creation of SEO content for it, since otherwise all our efforts will be in vain.


As we already know, most of us when we want to buy something on the web, we look at those pages that it positions first and then it is the trust that they transmit to us, the user comments, reviews and if they answer any questions we may have about the product.


What is the relationship between SEO and content marketing?


Well, we can say that the relationship between SEO and content marketing is really close, since without SEO our content will be useless or very little. If we want our brand or product to be well positioned in the search engines, it is important that our content is optimized and that it is of interest to users, so that in this way we remain in the top positions of the SERP.


Therefore, the relationship between SEO and content marketing is direct, since it is necessary, as we say, that the content that is created for our brand strategy is based on positioning. In this way, any search engine that positions us (mainly Google), must determine that the content we have created is really of quality and that the users who access it are happy with what they find and resolve their doubts about what they were looking for. .


That is why it is not enough to appear in the first search results, but as we say, we must offer users the answers they are looking for when they enter our site. For this, content marketing is the key.


Example: For example, we see that PlayStation has a technical support page so that users can resolve any questions they may have before or after buying the console. In this case we have put the following in the search engine:


how to make an account on playstation network


We see that the first result that appears in Google is yours, so a very high percentage of users will enter this link when carrying out this search. The company has taken care of positioning this content and solving this possible doubt for users.




As we can see, the relationship between SEO and content marketing is direct, and it is very important today to know how to carry out a strategy based on these factors, so that our business or brand maintains a quality relationship with customers. both new and potential. If we manage to position our content, we will be causing more people to know and trust us.


3 What to keep in mind when creating content | Example

It is important that when creating content, we take several factors into account, which will make this execution yield positive results. In this way we will be able to focus on creating content that is really demanded by potential customers, and we will be making sure that what we publish will be useful to them.


To make this easier to understand, we are also going to use an example during this process to be able to analyze it more clearly and precisely.


We have a cap store with our own brand. Our purpose is to make ourselves known and offer customers the advantages of our product and to tell them at all times about the benefits it offers. We will do this as follows.


What we want to achieve in this case with the creation of content is to connect with potential customers, so that they know our brand, and can become real customers in the future.


keyword analysis
The first thing that we must take into account when creating content is that we must do a prior analysis of the keywords that we must use and the type of content that we have to create based on what our users are demanding. In this way we will be able to determine what our potential customers are looking for, what they want to know, what questions they have when buying a cap, etc.


But what are keywords? Keywords are those search terms that users use to search for content in the search engine, hoping that it will return search results that match their search intent. In other words, keywords are the words or phrases that users type into the search engine to carry out their search and provide solutions to "their problems or needs".


We must bear in mind that carrying out a deep analysis of keywords is going to take time, since we have different techniques for it. That is why in order to know how to fully carry out a Keywords Research, it is advisable that we take the course on keywords on the Web and YouTube beforehand, so that we are experts in this field beforehand.



As we have mentioned, this is a long process, but below we will see some tips and examples that you can use to start your content search through keywords.


Example: Continuing with our cap brand example, in order to start creating related content demanded by users, the first thing we will do is enter the Google search engine in incognito mode, so that the results are not corrupted by previous searches. that we have been able to do previously. Once here you must put the search engine your article followed by a *

 article + * 



As we can see in the image, the search engine itself offers us different search intentions that users have had with the word cap. Now we must select based on our criteria and choice of target audience, if any of them interest us.


In this case we could Take: how to wash a cap, men's caps or fashion caps to create our content oriented to the interests of users who are looking for the word cap and who therefore can be potential customers of our store.


Now you can go combining different ideas about which you think you can create content, to get a little closer to more specific searches or about what interests you, such as adding the following:

 like +* + article 



Now we see that the results returned by the search engine are different from before, and from which we will be able to get new ideas to create content related to caps, which users have previously searched for on Google.


In this case we could use keywords such as the following: how to know what size cap I am or, being more specific than before, how to wash a white cap or how to wash a black cap.


Another of the ideas that may come to you is to put, for example, what for, to know the use that people give to that article, and thus gather ideas to create content about it. The correct way to put this in the Google search engine would be the following:

 So that +* +article 



In the following example we see that new ideas for the creation of content related to caps appear again.


In this case we see that we can create a post such as: what is the use of wearing a cap or what is the thermal cap for.


With this previous analysis, we will already have ideas to start creating content about caps and attract a new audience that is looking for this type of search.


Competitor analysis
Well now we already have ideas as we have seen about the content that we can create, but what is our competition? can we fight them? What content will have less competition? Well, in order to answer these questions, it is best to do an analysis of the competition to find out what we are up against and thus decide our strategy and where we can attack.


We must bear in mind that Google has the option to show up to 4 Adwords ads before the first organic result. This means that no matter how hard you work to rank your page in the first place, you will only get to position 5 at best if this happens.


For this we must do the following. The first thing will be to put the keyword that we have selected to create our content, see the results that the search engine returns. In this case we will use for example the following:

 How do I know what size hat I am? 



We see that first of all Google says that there are 1,710,000 results. We also see that the first result has a snippet (which is the small piece of text that appears in the search results), but the good news is that it doesn't match our original keyword.


If we keep going down, we see that the results are similar to our keyword, but as we see, we have an opportunity to create content of this type for our brand since the competition is not 100% focused on that keyword.




The next step to be able to analyze it will be to enter the content and see how it has been presented, structured, text quality, number of words, etc. Based on this, we can decide if we are ready to compete against them, or if we consider that our efforts will be in vain.


We can carry out this process with several of our selected keywords, to choose the one that will provide us with the best results.



content optimization
Now that we are clear about the content that we are going to create, what we must do is focus on how to optimize our content, so that in this way the text that we create is useful and has the opportunity to position itself powerfully in the search engines.


To optimize our content, we must take into account the following:

  • Make use of keywords correctly and in the right places: (Title, description and content). Also, it is important to use heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.). However, avoid excessive use of keywords, since you must create a natural text and they must not be forced. It is also important that the images have an adequate size, are compressed for the web, have ALT attributes and descriptive text with keywords, for indexing in search engines and positioning.
  • Quality content: Without a doubt, one of the most important things is that the content you create is of quality, so that readers are happy when they enter the post and that it is relevant and useful to them. In turn, this will make Google value it and take it into account to improve its position in the search results. In addition, for a content to be of quality, it must be well written, without copying other pages and including, as we have commented on, the keywords correctly and without exceeding.
  • Correct text format: When we create a post, we must take into account the user who is going to read it. That is why it is interesting that you do not write too long paragraphs that "get tired" just by looking at them, that we include images and that we highlight what is most important or interesting. In this way the reader will be more entertained and will spend more time reading the post.
  • Optimized meta description: It is important that when we are going to create our description for the article that we are going to create, it is optimized with the corresponding keywords and with what attracts the user's attention to access the content. Let's remember that the meta description is what the search engine shows below the title, which is usually like a couple of sentences. This is very important since on many occasions it will be what encourages or not the user to enter our content.
  • Link placement: Another thing that we must take into account when optimizing our content is the placement of the links. The links transmit authority and it is interesting that we do link building in our post, so that in this way we can transfer information from other posts with good Rank to the new one that we create. In addition, we must place this link on other platforms so that it is more visible, such as on social networks.
  • Continuous review and improvement: Once we have reviewed all these points, what we must do is review the content already created, to see how it evolves in terms of visits, user interaction, new customers, etc. and see what we can improve in order to that the results are better. In addition, this way you can take stock and determine if the results are being as expected.


If we do all of this properly, it can help us improve our ranking in search results and increase the visibility of our website, which in turn will give us a better chance of being known by potential customers.


As we have been able to see throughout this chapter on content marketing, there is no doubt that creating quality content is one of the main aspects to be able to succeed in any strategy that we carry out. In addition, this content must be based on SEO techniques, so that in this way positions above your competitors in search engines and the results are as expected. Keywords and SEO are basic elements for the success of a website in terms of visibility and ranking in search engines. That is why, if we have gained this path, we will have a large part of the work done and we will be more attractive to potential buyers.

by (3.5m points)

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