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How to know if someone blocked my number on Android

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Know if someone blocked my phone number on Android
Call that person from our phone and then from another
Call several times from our phone
Patience and try again
Check the person's social networks

We try to contact someone and we can't reach it, we call and call, but everything is in vain. Can we know if someone blocked our phone number on Android ? There are a few ways to find out and they are the ones we are going to discuss in this article..

Know if someone blocked my phone number on Android

Call that person from our phone and then from another

The easiest way to check if someone blocked our phone number on Android, it is actually quite simple and can be applied on iOS. We will only have to call that person from our phone and then try calling from another phone. If the answer is the same, then it is highly unlikely that we were blocked.

However, if we get a totally different response when we call from the other mobile, then it is quite possible that they will block us. Why is this? It's actually very simple, if they hadn't blocked our number we would get the same response on both..

We can also try sending SMS text messages, although it is less effective. We will send a text message from both devices, if we do not get a response for a long time on our phone, it is possible that they will block.

Call several times from our phone

Another thing that can happen is that the person did not block us, they simply have a mode such as Do Not Disturb or focus mode activated on their phone. What this does is silence all kinds of notifications. If this is the case, then we will have to call several times. The reason? Android automatically disables Do Not Disturb mode when the same number tries to contact you repeatedly, just in case it's an emergency..

Then, we will proceed to call that person and let the phone ring for several seconds. We will then end the call and continue doing the same immediately.


Something we need to consider is that there is a possibility that that person activated do not disturb mode with the specific setting so that it does not turn off, regardless of the number of times someone calls.

Patience and try again

Another possibility is that the person we are trying to contact is not available at that time. Maybe you turned off your cell phone, it has airplane mode activated or it is without network coverage.

Check the person's social networks

Generally, if they block our phone number it is for obvious reasons: they don't want to know anything about us. So the most logical thing would be to think that they also have us blocked on social networks. Let's confirm this by visiting that person's social networks.

If we can find your profile, we can send you a message asking if your phone rings when trying to call you. In case we cannot communicate with that person, we are quite clear that they have blocked us.

by (3.5m points)

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