Why is Foremost effective for this task? Very simple, when you delete a file from the system and send it to the trash it will remain there until you empty it. But the detail of emptying it does not mean that the files are gone forever, but that they still remain with us since the system is only responsible for deleting the metadata and leaving the lower data so that they are overwritten. Therefore, it is possible to recover the files, perhaps not always with 100% quality and integrity, but with very high levels of availability.
Foremost is responsible for copying and analyzing the hard disk to detect the hidden files and then houses that information temporarily taking as a resource the team's memory and will continue searching for all the matches to finally result in an integral file..
Foremost is in the ability to recover files such as jpg, gif, png, bmp, avi, tiff, mp4, exe, mpg, wav, asf, wma, mp3, fws, riff, wmv, mov, pdf, ole, doc, docx , xls, xlsx. ppt, pptx, zip, rar, html, cpp, java, art, pst, ost, dbx, idx, mbx, wpc, pgp, txt, rpm, dat, etc.
The syntax to use with Foremost is as follows:
foremost (-v / -V - -h / -T / -Q / -q / -a / -w / -d) (-t (type)) (-s (blocks)) (-k (size)) (-b (size)) (-c (file)) (-o (dir)) (-i (file))