+5 votes
How to create an account in Google Adwords

in SEM by (552k points)
reopened | 268 views

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To create an account in Google Adwords, you must first access your website:


Search inside the page the button that says:


Next Google will ask if you already have an account in the style of AdSense, Gmail, Orkut or iGoogle , or if you do not have one. In that case, the corresponding option must be checked.
Assuming you have an account of that type, Google will ask if you want to have a single account for all Google services or use the current Google account for Google Adwords services or choose a username and password to be used only in Google Awords.

As a recommendation it is convenient to have a Gmail account to be used in all the services provided by Google.


Assuming that you choose to use the current Google account to be used in Adwords , the following table will appear:


The password of the account will be entered and the "access" button will be clicked and it will be inside Google Adwords:


It may happen that a message appears in red saying: [color = # ff0000] "The account is not active because you have not entered your billing information. [/ Color]
[color = # ff0000] To activate the account and start running ads, [/ color] [color = # ff0000] enter the billing information [/ color] [color = # ff0000]. [/ color] [color = # ff0000] More information [/ color] [color = # ff0000]. "[/ color]

In other words, the account is not active because the information related to the billing information has not been completed.
To load the billing information you have to click on the corresponding link and then choose in the country or territory that is linked to the billing address. Then click on the continue button:


In the following screen Google will ask how you want to make the payment of the ads, where the options determined for the chosen country will be enabled.
In the case of Argentina, the following will appear:
  • Credit cards: MasterCard / Visa
Banelco / pagomiscuentas.com


Assuming you choose "Credit Cards: MasterCard / Visa" and click on the "Continue" button, and request that the data corresponding to the credit card be entered:


As well as other optional questions such as:


Finally, click on the "Save and activate" button.

Before starting to use the Adwords platform it is very important to try to get a discount coupon provided by the system, which will allow you to start the campaign with a balance that ranges between 25 and 100 euros.


The coupons can be obtained through different means as mentioned below:

Google Adwords Certification
They usually offer discount coupons every so often.
http: //www.google.co.../professionals/

Google sites and properties
For example:
http: //www.google.co...dwords/coupons/

Magazines or emails
It can appear in magazines that are linked to business and technology.

Create an Adwords account
When creating a Google Adwords account, you have to wait a few days without using it and they are likely to send coupons as an incentive to start the campaign.

Buy a book like Advanced Google Adwords.
A $ 50 coupon for new accounts may be included in the book.

Hosting services
Some paid Hosting services may end up giving away a $ 100 coupon to invest in Google Adwords advertising.

by (3.5m points)

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