+5 votes
Restoration taskbar icons in Windows 7

in Windows 7 / Vista / XP by (552k points)
reopened | 296 views

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Many times it can happen that we enter our Windows 7 (Seven) session and we realize that you are missing several icons in the notification area (Network, battery (in the case of a laptop), volume or activity center) . At the beginning we relate this type of anomalies with a virus.


How to realize?

We will realize when you start your Windows Seven session completely, they have not been loaded as usual and, when you try to restore them in the "Customize" option in the notification area, they are deactivated without the option to change them.


Solving it is very simple, we just have to access the registry, entering the command "REGEDIT" in the search bar of the start menu and press "ENTER" .
In this way we will access the Windows registry . This registry tool stores all the KEY of the operating system, we must be very careful when modifying any of them.

Once inside we look for the route:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER> Software> Classes> Local Settings> Software> Microsoft> Windows> Current Version> TrayNotify


As in the image, we look for the registers: " ICONSTREAMS" and " PASTICONSSTREAM" , once the "ELIMINAMOS" have been selected .

Access the task manager and close the "EXPLORER.EXE" process in the Processes tab. We locate it, click with the right button and " FINISH PROCESS ".



Once this step is done, we will only have to restore the process "EXPLORER.EXE" . To do this, without closing the task manager, click on File and choose the option New task . When the window opens, we introduce "EXPLORER.EXE" as in the image and we will see how it loads system icons this time.


With these steps well done we can enjoy again our Windows Seven icons, which are very practical to control the wireless connections, volume or different alternatives that we have configured in our system.

by (3.5m points)

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