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Knowing Google Adwords

in SEM by (552k points)
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Google Adwords is considered as the main sources of income of Google Inc. The company takes advantage of its global leadership in terms of its presence on the Internet achieving extraordinary income in this concept.

Google Adwords is the online advertising platform worldwide.



It is a system that is based on the quality of the ads, that is, the first one who pays the most in the search results will not come out first, but other factors will be involved, such as the relevance of the advertisement and the quality of the ads. contents.

The IP of the user who performs the search provides information to Google about where the planet is located, therefore that information will be key to the results of your search.

It is remembered that the definition of the keywords and the content of the advertisement is extremely important since it could be an important condition for the user to click or not on the advertisement. For example, it may happen that the sponsored advertisement shows the company's phone number, in that case the user will not need to enter the site because just seeing that information will be enough.

"In Google Adwords you only pay for each click that is made in the advertiser's notice"

Advantages of working with Google Adwords

The system allows to have a control of the expense, that is to say a monthly budget can be determined to invest in advertising and never to exceed that amount.

You can also control other parameters such as segmentation, the date of publication of the ads, the geographical location, the times when the notices will be published and that are intended for a specific target audience, among other aspects.



If you see positive results in campaigns in Google Adwords you can gradually increase the investment. Remember that a positive return is when the monetary return is greater than the investment made.

Another advantage that can be appreciated is that the system is measurable. This can be observed when you are using the Adwords platform.

Google Adwords allows fair advertising to be shown at the time the potential customer is searching, unlike traditional advertising campaigns where the promotion is practically imposed on the user, whether or not he or she is interested in it.

Disadvantages of working with Google Adwords

The campaigns carried out in Google Adwords have to be controlled at all times and not let the system do them by itself since the fixed budget can be triggered quickly or the ads are not published according to the established guidelines.

The follow-up at the beginning should be quite intensive until you can shape the strategy you want to reach, such as controlling which keywords are more profitable and if it is necessary to increase the budget. In case of being keywords that do not leave any performance it may be convenient to leave them aside and replace them with others.

You also have to take into account if the sectors that you want to work have a strong competition, and can be expensive in the short and medium term.
Another factor to consider is that the ads may be less visible and may even be less than the organic results of the searches.

by (3.5m points)
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