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What is the best way to clean the screen of the mobile and tablet?

in Help by (552k points)
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Cleaning the screen of the mobile phone is simple, but you have to be careful not to damage it by using too strong chemical elements that, in addition to dirt, are capable of removing some of the coatings that protect the touch screens..

If you are one of those who like clean surfaces, you probably have a problem with the number of fingerprints that smartphones and tablets accumulate, but it must be recognized that this is the least complicated to clean: makeup, food or liquids can be more complex to delete.

When we have to clean our smartphone or tablet, the most important thing is to close it, this way we will avoid problems and it will be much easier to clean. Then you have to choose a microfiber rag that does not lose lint, if you use glasses you can use the same one that is used to clean the lenses. Other options are antistatic chamois or as a last resort a clean soft cotton cloth..


Tissues or kitchen paper should never be used since they contain wood fibers and can scratch the screen, and even if they are not seen the first time we do it they will eventually become visible.

The way to clean the screen should be dry and circling until all the dirt is removed, but in case something resists us, you can always slightly moisten one end of the chamois with water - better if it is distilled since it contains less impurities -. If you need something stronger, you can use isopropyl alcohol instead of water..

Having a clean smartphone is not that complicated, but you have to be careful not to damage the screen during cleaning.

Photo | Moufle

by (3.5m points)

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