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How to change the font on an iPhone or iPad

in iPhone Tutorial by (552k points)
reopened | 237 views

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Change the display font on iOS 13
Download and install a new font on an iPhone


Many dreamed of it, Apple (finally) did it. The latest version of its operating system includes a font manager. IOS users will now be able to download new fonts and customize the interface of their smartphone or tablet. We explain how to change the font on an iPhone..

Change the display font on iOS 13

If you are the type to customize everything, you have surely been disappointed by the constraints imposed by the iPhone. It is for example impossible to change the font. It is true that personalization remains an area in which the apple company is lagging behind its competitors.

Android offers many more possibilities. Size, color, choice of font, Google OS adapts to the tastes of users. It's simple, you can do whatever you want..

On the iPhone, the possibilities for personalization remain very limited. It's no secret that Apple has long been reluctant to give users full power. The home screen, icons and the font have hardly changed since the presentation of the iPhone.

But things seem to be changing. With iOS 13, Apple has finally decided to offer a tool to download and install new fonts. It's a detail but it shows the changes taking place in society..

Unfortunately, as is often the case with Apple, the customization options are subject to certain restrictions. You will not be able to change the font used by the system. As of this writing, only Pages, Keynotes, Mail, and a handful of applications support custom fonts.

It is not much but how we say it is better than nothing. And then things may change over the months. The font change function may be extended to other applications.

Download and install a new font on an iPhone

The font installed by default on the iPhone ensures sufficient reading comfort. But no one is against a little change. With iOS 13, it is now possible to change the font in just a few clicks.

But beware. These changes will only affect the above-mentioned messaging applications. Remember, Apple does not allow you to customize the font used in iPhone menus and settings.

  • Open Settings on your iPhone or iPad
  • Click on General then on Fonts
  • The new window will list all the custom fonts present in your iPhone memory
  • If you don't have one, you will be prompted to download one from the App Store
  • Click the button to open the Apple application store
  • Select the Font application of your choice
  • Click on the get button
  • Once the font application is installed, launch an application compatible with custom fonts such as Pages or Mail
  • Type text and then tap the arrow icon in the suggestion bar
  • Tap the Aa icon
  • Click on the default font button then select the font of your choice from the list

by (3.5m points)

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