+3 votes
How to remove the red underline in Word 2019

in Office by (552k points)
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2 Answers

+3 votes
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As a good word processor, Microsoft Word is concerned that our texts do not have misspellings or typographical errors .

When there is a fault in the document, it is highlighted in red , so that we can correct it. But there are times when we are not interested in this happening. For example, if we are writing a text that contains words in different languages, or many proper names or invented words that Word does not recognize.

In this Word tutorial we will show how to remove the red underline in Word.

Start up Word and open any document. If you want, you can write a word with spelling mistakes so that Word underlines it in red:

Word Tutorial

To remove the underline in red , we must enter the File menu, and Options. Here we look for the Review section On the right we will see a section called To Correct Spelling and Grammar in Word . We must uncheck the Check spelling while writing, Mark grammar mistakes while writing , and Check grammar with spelling :

Word Tutorial

We accept , and the red underlines will be removed.

Keep in mind that with this action we deactivate the spelling of all documents . If we only want to deactivate it in the current document, then we go to File, Options, Review, and at the bottom we check the boxes Hide spelling errors only in this document and Hide grammar errors only in this document :

Word Tutorial

We have learned to  remove the red underline in Word.

by (552k points)
edited by
No REview section, worthless
+5 vote

1. Remove the red underline in Word 2019 for all documents created
2. Delete the red underline in Word 2019 for the current document
3. Delete the red underline in Word 2019 for the current document using the Review menu

Since we have memory regarding the use of operating systems we have used various text processors in order to carry out the creation, edition and presentation of professional type documents . Not only with the text itself but many of us work on creative tasks and we like to add images, audios, effects to give a more personal and original touch to these. In this line Microsoft offers us Word as an integral solution for this type of task or projects.

As human beings we are prone to make some mistake while writing text in Microsoft Word. Many times this happens because time demands us to be agile and it is normal that we make writing mistakes that if they were sent, our image may not be very well valued. Microsoft Word integrates a self-corrector that analyzes what we are writing and based on the type of context it will highlight the words in the following way:

Underlined red
This will be applied at the moment when the affected word is with spelling errors.
Underlined green
This underline will be visible at the moment when a word has grammatical errors.

For example, we have written two normal words with spelling errors so that you understand what Microsoft Word analyzes in this case version 2019:


As you can see, Word detects these errors and underlines them with the red line , when we finish the writing process, just press the F7 key or go to the menu "Review", group "Review" and there click on the option "Spelling and grammar "to proceed with the revision of the document and deliver something aesthetic and professional.

It is ideal that Microsoft Word help us with this revision but if you consider that your writing is perfect and you do not want to lose the writing sequence observing red lines, TechnoWikis will explain how to eliminate these red lines of Word and thus prevent it from being automatically carried out This process.

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1. Remove the red underline in Word 2019 for all documents created

Step 1

This is a process that will affect all the documents that are created taking as starting point the existing document, to achieve this, we will go to the "File" menu and in the lower part we select the "Options" line:


Step 2

A pop-up window will be displayed in which we will go to the category "Revision" and in the right part we will locate the section "To correct spelling and grammar in Word:" where we will see the following: image
Step 3

There we will unmark the following boxes. Click on the OK button to apply the changes and in this way all the documents that we create in Microsoft Word 2019 from now on will not be reviewed as far as spelling is concerned.
  • Check spelling while writing.
  • Mark grammatical errors while writing.
  • Check grammar with spelling.

2. Delete the red underline in Word 2019 for the current document

Now, it is normal that we want that only in the document in which we are working does not apply the automatic revision of Word 2019

If this is the goal we will go back to the File / Options menu and in the category "Review" and on the right side we find the section "Exceptions for:" with the name of the current document and there it will be necessary to activate the following boxes. Press OK again to apply the changes.

  • Hide spelling errors only in this document.
  • Hide grammar errors only in this document.

3. Delete the red underline in Word 2019 for the current document using the Review menu

Microsoft Word 2019 integrates a review function which has been developed to help us correct all kinds of errors based on the language and the desired regional configuration.
Step 1

To use this method we will go to the "Review" menu and in the "Language" group and there we will click on "Language" and select the option "Set correction language":


Step 2

The following window will be displayed where we must activate the "Do not check the spelling or grammar" box. Click OK to apply the changes.


It must be clarified that this process will only apply to the current Microsoft Word 2019 document, but not to everyone in general.
Step 3

By using any of these methods we can see that although the words are written incorrectly, Word 2019 will not underline them to indicate us about the error:


TechnoWikis recommends disabling this line only if we are sure that the writing will be 100% perfect, but remember that Word 2019 integrates this functionality to allow the general context of the document is adequate.

by (3.5m points)

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