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Outlook: Create a rule - this is how it works

in Office by (552k points)
reopened | 125 views

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What are Outlook Rules?
Create Outlook rule with existing templates
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
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11th step:
Create Outlook rule from a message
1st step:
2nd step:
3rd step:
4th step:
5th step:
6th step:
Create a new or custom Outlook rule
1st step:
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3rd step:
4th step:
5th step:
6th step:
7th step:
8th step:
9th step:
Brief instructions: Creating a rule from a template
Quick guide: Creating a rule from a message
Quick guide: Create your own rule

Don't let your inbox become a cluttered mess. Outlook can help you manage with rules..

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Does your email inbox always seem full of new messages? Deciding what to do with each individual message can seem overwhelming. You may even be late replying to an important message because you didn't notice it in all the mess. Outlook can help you put some order into this mess with rules.

What are Outlook Rules?

Rules are a way to automate actions in Outlook that you would normally have to do manually. They are actions that are taken when a message meets predetermined criteria. For example, if you have many invoices from different vendors, you could automate the sorting process by creating a rule that automatically sends the invoices to the appropriate folders.

You can easily define the conditions for a rule using the Outlook tool. A rule can be a huge time saver if you often perform the same actions on similar emails. Outlook also has a Rules Wizard that makes creating rules even easier.

Create Outlook rule with existing templates

Creating Outlook rules from templates is easy. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..

1st step:

Open Outlook and click on the " File " tab in the top left .

2nd step:

Then click on the " Manage rules and notifications " button .

3rd step:

If you use multiple accounts in Outlook, select the desired account under " Apply changes to this folder ". Then click on " New Rule ... " in the top left.

4th step:

Now select a suitable rule from the categories " Keeping track of things " and " Stay up to date " under " Step 1: Select template ". You will then see a brief description of the rule under " Step 2: Edit rule description". If available, click on the text passages marked in blue to define them. In our example this is " a person / public group ".

5th step:

Outlook contacts can now be selected here or specific people can be searched for. Click OK when you're done.

6th step:

Don't forget to define each value highlighted in blue in the description of the rule. Then click on " Next ".

7th step:

You can now add the required conditions to the rule. Simply tick the box and then adjust the values ​​marked in blue in the rule description if necessary. Then click on " Next ".

8th step:

You can then choose actions for the rule. These define what should happen when the rule comes into effect. Here, too, you define the values ​​in the description, if necessary. Then click on " Next ".

9th step:

Here you can now add exceptions to your rule. Again, don't forget to define the values ​​marked in blue. Click on " Next " again.

10th step:

Now enter a suitable name for the rule and check the boxes you want. Then click on " Finish ".

11th step:

Click " Apply " to save the rule changes. The rule is now active for the selected account.

Create Outlook rule from a message

One of the easiest ways to create a rule in Outlook is through one of your messages. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions .

1st step:

Open the desired email in Outlook and right click on it. Then select " Rules " and " Create rule ... " from the menu .

2nd step:

Now select the desired conditions for the rule and then define the desired actions for them. You can complete the rule with " OK ". But for more editing options click on " Advanced Options ... ".

3rd step:

You can now set significantly more conditions for your rule. You will then see a brief description of the rule in the lower window. Click here on the values ​​marked in blue to define them according to your requirements. Then click on " Next ".

4th step:

Here, too, you have a significantly larger selection of actions for your rule. Do not forget to adjust the values ​​marked in blue in the rule description again, if necessary. Then click on " Next ".

5th step:

You can then add exceptions to your rule. Here, too, you may have to define the values ​​marked in blue again. Then click " Next " again.

6th step:

Then enter a name for your rule and select the options you want for it. Then click " Finish " and your rule will be saved and activated.

Create a new or custom Outlook rule

If you haven't found the right rule in the templates, you can also create your own. Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..

1st step:

Open Outlook and click on the " File " tab in the top left .

2nd step:

Then click on the " Manage rules and notifications " button .

3rd step:

If you use multiple accounts in Outlook, select the desired account under " Apply changes to this folder ". Then click on " New rule ... " at the top left.

4th step:

Now select one of the options under " Create rule without template " and click on " Next ".

5th step:

Here you define the appropriate conditions for your rule. You will then see the rule description below, in which values ​​marked in blue can be found depending on the selection . Click on it to define it. Then click on " Next ".

6th step:

Now select the desired actions for your rule here. Don't forget that you should define each value highlighted in blue in the description. Then click on " Next ".

7th step:

Now you can add exceptions . Here, too, you define the values ​​again, if necessary. Click on " Next " again.

8th step:

Then define a suitable name for your rule and then select the rule options you want . Then complete the process with " Finish ".

9th step:

Now click on " Apply " to save the rule changes in your account and to activate the rule.

Brief instructions: Creating a rule from a template

  1. Open the " File " tab in Outlook and then click on " Manage rules and notifications ".
  2. Then go to " New Rule ... " in the top left.
  3. Then select a suitable rule from the categories " Keep track of things " and " Stay up to date ".
  4. You will then see a brief description of the rule in the lower part of the window . If available, click on the text passages marked in blue to define their values.
  5. Then click on " Next ".
  6. You can add the desired conditions , actions, and exceptions to the rule in the next few steps . Do not forget the values ​​marked in blue .
  7. Then enter a suitable name for the rule and select the options you want.
  8. Click on " Finish " and then on " Apply ".

Quick guide: Creating a rule from a message

  1. Right-click the email you want in Outlook .
  2. Then select " Rules " and " Create rule ... " from the menu .
  3. You can then set the conditions and actions you want for the rule.
  4. For more editing options, click on " Advanced Options ... ".
  5. You can now select significantly more conditions and actions and also set exceptions .
  6. In the lower part of the window you will then see a brief description of the rule with values ​​marked in blue , which you can edit.
  7. Then enter a name for your rule and select the options you want for it.
  8. Click " Finish " to save your rule.

Quick guide: Create your own rule

  1. In Outlook, click the File tab in the upper left corner .
  2. Then select " Manage Rules and Alerts ".
  3. Then click on " New rule ... " at the top left .
  4. Then select an option in the " Create rule without template " section and click " Next ".
  5. Then select conditions , actions, and exceptions for your rule in the following steps .
  6. Each time, enter the value of each condition underlined in blue for the rule in the rule description in the lower part of the window.
  7. Then enter a name for the new rule in the " Complete the rule setup " section, and then select the options you want .
  8. Click on " Finish ".
  9. To activate the rule, click on " Apply " at the bottom right .

by (3.5m points)

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